The Brazilian red and green lobster FIP was being implemented by CeDePesca, Tequesta Bay, WWF, Associação Pesca Sustentável de Icapuí, M M SEA, Federação dos Pescadores do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte (RN), Colônia de Pescadores Z-33 do RN, Colônia de Pescadores Z-17 do RN and Colônia de Pescadores Z-4 do RN with the ultimate goal of achieving an MSC-certifiable status for the fishery in the shortest timeframe possible. However, exporting companies Allmare, Compex, Condessa, Ipesca, Maris, Prime and Produmar expressed interest in supporting the FIP and signed a specific Agreement with CeDePesca in February 2024.
The Brazilian red and green lobster FIP started in July 2011, as a result of a partnership between the United Nations Environmental Program and CeDePesca. In November 2011, a CAB was selected by CeDePesca to conduct an MSC pre-assessment with funds granted by the Resources Legacy Fund. The results of the MSC PA (Feb 2012) showed that: (a) no official stock assessment had been conducted since 2006, when the stocks had been found to be overfished; (b) no adequate limit or target reference points had been set for the stocks; (c) the harvest strategy showed signs of failure, arguably due to difficulties in applying timely management tools and enforcement; (d) existing rules regarding effort limits were solely based on the number of traps, while the fishery was known to include fishing nets and diving –which are still considered illegal fishing gears; (e) there was a general lack of data regarding the impacts on other ecosystem components; (f) the fishery-specific management system lacked specific short-term goals and clear instruments; (g) the management committees were not responsive enough and the decision-making process was not publicly documented; (h) no research management plan was in place, and (i) there was no regular evaluation of the performance of the management system.
CeDePesca disseminated the results of the MSC PA among fishery stakeholders in 2012, including local producers and exporters in the state of Ceará, and importers in the USA with the collaboration of the Sustainable Fisheries Partnership. As a result of this outreach efforts, seven US importers and ten Brazilian exporters expressed their interest in becoming partners to the FIP. In parallel, as a product of the Resources Legacy Fund grant and the UNEP-CeDePesca partnership, the first FIP workplan was designed by CeDePesca in May 2012 with the goal of addressing the shortcomings identified in the MSC PA. Most FIP activities were implemented at the time with funds provided by UNEP, the RLF, and by US importers through the SFP.
On the other hand, Brazilian exporters agreed to support the FIP and in February 2013, SINDFRIO signed an agreement with CeDePesca. SINDFRIO provided financing and participated in the FIP between February 2013 and February 2022. In March 2022, it informed CeDePesca of its decision not to renew its participation in the project.
Current partners to the FIP include the fishers association Associação Pesca Sustentável (since 2015), based in the community of Redonda in Icapuí, Tequesta Bay (since 2020), WWF (since 2020), M M SEA (since 2022), Federação dos Pescadores do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte (since 2022), Colônia de Pescadores Z-33 do RN (since 2023), Colônia de Pescadores Z-17 do RN (since 2023), Colônia de Pescadores Z-4 do RN (since 2023), Allmare (since 2024), Compex (returning in 2024), Condessa (returning in 2024), Ipesca (returning in 2024), Maris (returning in 2024), Prime (since 2024) and Produmar (since 2024).
For more information on the background of this FIP, please visit CeDePesca's Brazilian Lobster FIP Public Report .
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Behind | On Track | Complete | Future |
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Behind | On Track | Complete | Future |
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