A mixed-species hook and line FIP is being carried out in the Gulf of California in the region known as the San Cosme-Punta Coyote Corridor, in the state of Baja California Sur, Mexico. This FIP began its “Phase 0: Identification” in mid-2017 with the target of a finfish fishery comprising about 33 main species fished with hook and line.
For the analysis and management of this fishery, an indicator species approach was used, using the proposed modification of the MSC Standard for mixed-species fisheries. The species identified as indicators are assumed to be representative of the rest of the species harvested. Therefore, the measures adopted and improvements accomplished in these indicator species should have a positive impact on the rest of the species. The indicator species are those listed below in this FIP profile. At the outset of this project, the fishing cooperatives located in the northern area of the corridor are participating in the FIP, with the goal that other fishing organizations and independent fishermen from the southern part of the corridor can be incorporated.
This fishery is small-scale carried out in outboard motors vessels. There are fishing cooperative and independent fisherman permits. As a result of the pre-assessment of the fishery, there is the intention to address all those performance indicators that have been scored in red and yellow, and the implementers will evaluate if it is necessary to follow up on any indicator scored in green. Equally as important, the additional impacts related to the commercialization of the product will also be addressed.
100% |
96% |
13% |
Behind | On Track | Complete | Future |
27% | 60% | 13% | 0% |