The Northern Brazil Caribbean red snapper FIP aims to develop and implement a management plan for the fishery/stock based on defining clear objectives for management. Work will be done to define a stock assessment method and to verify the current status of the stock in relation to reference points. A strategy will be defined to monitor the stock and a mechanism of feed-back that allows decision-makers to rapidly change fishing intensity when adverse situations are identified.
New Management Strategy Evaluation method were used showing that if Caribbean Red Snapper stock is harvested under 4,500 T/yr level it will have a 75% probability of maintaining itself sustainable and 82% probability to not promote overfishing. As there are a strong correlation between landings and exports to US (90-95% of local harvest goes to this market) and NMFS data shows US imports 4863 T in 2016; 3997 T in 2017; 4148 T in 2018, 3998 T in 2019 and 3880 T in 2020, is likely that the 4,500 T/yr quota is possible to be implemented
18% | 39% | 43% |
0% |
Behind | On Track | Complete | Future |
0% | 100% | 0% | 0% |
Behind | On Track | Complete | Future |
0% | 100% | 0% | 0% |
The objective of this FIP is to enter MSC full assessment by mid-end 2025.