The Sustainable Indian Ocean Tuna Initiative (SIOTI) was established in 2017 and comprises major purse seine fleets and canned tuna processors operating in the Indian Ocean. SIOTI successfully concluded the first phase of the FIP between 2017 and 2023 that resulted in all fleet partners being MSC-certified or in full assessment against the standard for skipjack tuna. The successful FIP partnership is, since 2023, now focusing its attention on fishery improvements for yellowfin and bigeye tuna, building on impactful interventions made in the first phase of the FIP while actioning others to ensure that the fishery for both species can achieve the MSC standard by 2028. The FIP has retained its original name, SIOTI, yet following an updated workplan which main objective is the vertification of the YFT and BET fisheries. The implementation of the revised workplan started in 2023.
Target species: SIOTI.2 focuses on the purse seine fishery target species of yellowfin (Thunnus albacares) and bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus)
Fishing methods: The FIP encompasses the use of purse seine gear by large (>60 m LOA) specialist purse seine vessels. Sets by the vessels can be made on free schools of tuna or schools of tuna associated with floating objects
Fishing area: The fishery operates under the jurisdiction of the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC) in FAO Statistical Areas 51 and 57
Fishing fleets: The SIOTI fleet comprises 27 purse seine vessels flagged to France, Italy, Mauritius, Seychelles and Spain.
7% | 29% | 64% |
18% |
Behind | On Track | Complete | Future |
9% | 68% | 18% | 5% |
Behind | On Track | Complete | Future |
25% | 75% | 0% | 0% |