The Caribbean spiny lobster fishery provides a livelihood for hundreds of fishers and packing plant processors in Honduras. This industrial Honduran fishery faces critical issues including a lack of robust data to inform stock status and management decisions, limited information on impacts of lobster traps on marine habitats and ecosystems, an ineffective legal management framework, and limited resources to enforce fishing regulations. But with the active involvement of FIP stakeholders, such as General Directorate for Fishing and Aquaculture (DIGPESCA), and FIP Participants, the challenges facing this fishery are being addressed against the MSC standard.
32% | 54% | 14% |
18% |
Behind | On Track | Complete | Future |
12% | 71% | 18% | 0% |
Behind | On Track | Complete | Future |
10% | 80% | 10% | 0% |
The goal of the Honduras lobster FIP is to move the fishery in a step-wise approach towards meeting the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) standard by July 2028, and move into the full assessment process to achieve MSC certification after that. Critical issues challenging this fishery include a lack of robust data to inform stock status and management decisions, limited information on impacts of lobster traps on marine habitats and ecosystems, an ineffective legal management framework, and limited resources to enforce fishing regulations. To address these issues, the FIP plans to achieve the following objectives by July 2028:
Principle 1:
- Improve collection of catch data from the trap and dive fisheries to inform the lobster stock assessments
- Develop a robust stock assessment model against established target and limit reference points that will be applied regularly at the regional level across Honduras-Nicaragua (shared stock)
- Develop a fishery management plan and harvest strategy, and establishing harvest control rules and tools
Principle 2:
- Improve collection of bycatch data, analyzing the impact of the fishery on bycatch species, and implement management measures to minimize mortality of bycatch species as needed
- Determine the impact of the Honduras lobster trap fishery on the habitat and ecosystem, and if necessary, implement management measures to minimize the impact
Principle 3:
- Develop inclusive consultation procedures to ensure broad stakeholder participation in management of the fishery
- Estimate the level of IUU fishing that is occuring and strengthen enforcement to combat IUU fishing
- Monitor and evaluate the performance of the fishery management system