In April 2024, the FIP transitioned to a comprehensive FIP.
In the last decade, the mahi-mahi annual catch has been around 11,000 metric tons in Taiwan. During the fishing season, one fishing vessel can catch more than one thousand kilograms of mahi-mahi a day. For local fishermen, mahi-mahi is a very important economic resource that ensures their livelihood. In order to conserve this important fish resource, the Hsin-Kang Fishermen Association, which is made up of stakeholders such as service wholesalers, processing plants, fish traders, and local fishermen have jointly initiated the Hsin-Kang mahi-mahi FIP. Since the FIP has commenced, three additional associations - the Su-Ao Fishermen Association and the Tung-Kang Fishermen Association, all of which also have mahi-mahi fisheries - have joined the Hsin-Kang mahi-mahi FIP. They have agreed to comply with the Hsin-Kang mahi-mahi FIP's requirements.
The fishery being assessed is the Pacific Ocean LL mahi mahi FIP (Hsin-Kang.) fishery. The fishery targets mahi mahi (Coryphaena hippurus). The 186 pelagic longline vessels are flagged to Taiwan and fish on the high seas of the WCPO and in the national Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of Taiwan. The fishery is managed regionally by the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC) in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean (WCPO).
11% | 14% | 75% |
57% |
Behind | On Track | Complete | Future |
14% | 29% | 57% | 0% |
Behind | On Track | Complete | Future |
33% | 33% | 33% | 0% |
In April 2024, the FIP transitioned to a comprehensive FIP with the following updated objectives:
Be in a place to enter MSC full assessment in 2029.