INACTIVE Grenada yellowfin and bigeye tuna - longline, troll, & dropline

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Reason for Inactivity
  • Missed deadline for three year audit report


This FIP covers the Atlantic Ocean stocks of bigeye (Thunnus obesus) and yellowfin (T. albacares) tunas caught in the Grenada Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) by vessels supplying Grenada National Export Traceability and Technology, Incorporated using pelagic longline, troll and dropline fishing gear. With the majority of the Grenada EEZ in deep oceanic water, large pelagics such as tuna dominate fisheries landings. For the purpose of this FIP, two key fisheries are considered to make up the Grenada tuna fleet: a pelagic longline and troll fishery that targets free schools of tuna and a troll and dropline fishery that targets large pelagics around anchored Fish Aggregating Devices (FADs). The longline fleet consists of about 200 vessels, the majority of which make single-day trips, while approximately 120 fishers are active in the FAD fishery. The fishery falls under the jurisdiction of the Regional Fisheries Management Organisation (RFMO) ICCAT. Within the EEZ, the development and management of marine resources fall under the jurisdiction of the Grenada Fisheries Division, a division of the Ministry of Climate Resilience, the Environment, Forestry, Fisheries, Disaster Management and Information.

FIP Description 

This FIP covers the Atlantic Ocean stocks of bigeye (Thunnus obesus) and yellowfin (T.

FIP Objective(s) 

This FIP aims to support gradual improvements to Grenada’s management systems and fishing practices to a point where the Grenada EEZ pelagic longline, troll and dropline Atlantic Ocean yellowfin and bigeye fishery will achieve a level of sustainability consistent with conformity against the MSC fisheries standard by end 2023. The FIP will achieve this aim through the following objectives:

- Support development of robust harvest strategies for Atlantic Ocean yellowfin and bigeye through ongoing engagement with the Grenada government and the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT).

- Support the Grenada government in its development of a robust domestic fisheries management system, including through involvement in Sub-regional and ICCAT Fisheries Management Systems.

- Establish and manage a system for independent fisheries data collection on all target species and bycatch.

- Guide precautionary ecosystem-based management responses through comprehensive ecological risk assessments of non-target species.

- Identify changes in fishing methods and gear to address the fishery’s environmental challenges including on billfish bycatch and bait use.

- Ensure robust supply chain traceability.

FIP Type 
FIP Stage 
Stage 4: Improvements in Fishing Practices or Fishery Management
Start and Projected End Dates
November 2020
December 2026
Due to setbacks during the COVID pandemic this FIP hit unforeseen delays. Most of those delays have been related to funding. This FIP is still not funded. We were selected by the IDB Compete Caribbean project to fund large parts of our FIP, but so far funding has not come. We are currently in discussions with Finance Earth as well. To date, however, all funding for the support of the FIP has been in-kind labor contributions from GNEXTT and 1Skip out of their own pockets. AS of the August 2023 update, the landscape has not changed substantially until very recently. We never received the Finance Earth funding. However, the IADB funding is beginning to be released, with TORs being drafted a few being executed. For instance, funding for monitoring data collection and automated ICCAT and FAO reporting has been obligated with the project to be completed in mid 2024. However, many of the activities require that monitoring data to be available in order to proceed (for instance the environmental risk assessment). So while we have the funding to conduct the environmental risk assessment, mainly for bycaught species, we don't yet have the data and will not have data until mid to late 2025 at the earliest. As a result, we are asking to extend the project end date. Similarly for government engagement on ICCAT. We just hired a local coordinator for government engagement who is very well placed in Grenada. It is expected that he can deliver the engagement we need. Coupled with the recent negative certification by the US of IUU fishing, due to the complete absence of Grenadian compliance documentation at ICCAT, we feel ICCAT engagement is poised to really make a difference. Most of the lack of engagement, we feel, is related to a complete regime shift in the Grenadian government with the election of a new PM. His new government basically has us starting from scratch again, starting late in 2022. We have an MOU in place with the International Pole and Line Foundation to assist them with compliance under their new small scale fisheries initiative in the Atlantic. We also have strong ties and have engaged with NOAA International Affairs, who will likely run point on any trade negotiations stemming from the negative certification. We feel confident that our proactive stance will get Grenada past any potential sanctions quickly with the added bonus of exceeding the terms of the FIP. We feel that the August 2024 update will show massive progress across all activities, event though this entire process is still largely being funded out of the personal pockets of 1Skip management.
Last Progress Report Reviewed 
Wednesday, April 5, 2023
Next Progress Report Due 
Tuesday, December 31, 2024
Common Name 
Yellowfin Tuna
Scientific Name
Thunnus albacares
Common Name 
Bigeye Tuna
Scientific Name
Thunnus obesus
Gear Type 
FAO Major Fishing Area
Area 31 (Atlantic, Western Central)
Exclusive Economic Zones
Geographic Scope 
Entire Grenada EEZ
Country Flag of Vessel 
Regional Fisheries Management Organization
Estimated Total FIP Landings 
100 metric tons
Estimated Total Fishery Landings 
794 metric tons
Landings Date 
December 2020

FIP Leads

Organization Name 
One Skip Development
Organization Type 
Primary Contact 
Brad Gentner
Organization Name 
Seven Seas Fisheries Consulting Ltd.
Organization Type 
Primary Contact 
Brad Gentner
FIP Identification Number The FIP Identification Number is automatically generated by FisheryProgress when a FIP profile is created. While the number itself is not meaningful, they are used by NGOs, academia, and industry to refer to FIPs in a consistent way.