INACTIVE Indonesia Makassar Strait snapper and grouper - longline and dropline

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Reason for Inactivity
  • Merged with another FIP


The Indonesia Makassar Strait snapper and grouper FIP is an industry-led FIP, which was initiated based on the interest of five seafood processors in Makassar in 2015. Sustainable Fisheries Partnership provides technical assistance and has facilitated meetings during FIP development and implementation.

The target species of this FIP are Lutjanus malabaricusLutjanus sebae, and Epinephelus malabaricus. Fishing gears used are dropline and bottom long line.

This FIP is a small-scale fishery, in which the size of fishing boats ranges from 4 to 7 m long, and are powered by 5 to 24 HP/PK outboard engines. Fishers go out on a daily basis, and will also go on longer fishing trips, sometimes for 10 to 14 days.

The fishing ground covers the waters of Makassar Strait and Flores Sea (in Fishery Management Area –713) on the shallow reefs to the depth of over 100 m. The fishing operation for these fisheries falls under the Provincial Fisheries Office of South Sulawesi.


FIP Description 

The Indonesia Makassar Strait snapper and grouper FIP is an industry-led FIP, which was initiated based on the interest of five seafood processors in Makassar in 2015.

FIP Objective(s) 

The FIP aims to engage processors, their suppliers, and fishers groups to improve the small scale snapper-grouper fishery in the Makassar Strait. The FIP's objectives are:

  • To improve the availability of accurate data on catches and production by 2020
  • To support the compliance of fishing operations by having 75% of vessels registered with local authorities by 2020
  • To support the development of a harvest strategy of the Fishery Management Area 713 by 2020
FIP Type 
FIP Stage 
Stage 4: Improvements in Fishing Practices or Fishery Management
Start and Projected End Dates
January 2015
December 2020
Common Name 
Malabar Blood Snapper
Scientific Name
Lutjanus malabaricus
Common Name 
Emperor Snapper
Scientific Name
Lutjanus sebae
Common Name 
Spotted Grouper
Scientific Name
Epinephelus malabaricus
Gear Type 
Bottom Longline
FAO Major Fishing Area
Area 71 (Pacific, Western Central)
Exclusive Economic Zones
Geographic Scope 
WPP 713
Estimated Total FIP Landings 
743 metric tons
Estimated Total Fishery Landings 
240,719 metric tons
Landings Date 
January 2015

FIP Leads

Organization Name 
PT. Kemilau Bintang Timur
Organization Type 
Primary Contact 
Agus Saputra
Organization Name 
CV. Inti Makmur Makassar
Organization Type 
Primary Contact 
Irma Maladan
Organization Name 
PT. Sukses Hasil Alam NusaIndo (SHANINDO)
Organization Type 
Primary Contact 
Haryono Soegiono
+62 853-9508-0878
Organization Name 
PT. Trans Anugrah Mulia
Organization Type 
Primary Contact 
David Gani
+62 813-5453-5314
Organization Name 
PT. Prima Bahari
Organization Type 
Primary Contact 
+62 853-4272-9113
Organization Name 
PT. Kelola Mina Laut - KML
Organization Type 
Primary Contact 
Siswo Setiawan
+62 878-4102-6969
FIP Identification Number The FIP Identification Number is automatically generated by FisheryProgress when a FIP profile is created. While the number itself is not meaningful, they are used by NGOs, academia, and industry to refer to FIPs in a consistent way.