This FIP belongs to the newly formed Indonesian Purse Seine Association (APSI - Asosiasi Purse Seine Indonesia). This FIP operated in Indonesia FMA 715 and 716, part of the WCPO stock.
Indonesia Purse Seine tuna fishery is one of the fisheries that need to start the improvement programs as other tuna fishing gears already implement their FIPs in the national scale. Although it starts in 715 and 716 in the beginning, the association also aiming to have the FIP implemented in other areas across the country so it can become nationwide FIP in the future, hence the improvement will be more impactful and benefiting all participants and stakeholders in the fishery.
The association established in early 2023 with Vision: "The Indonesian Purse Seine industry is advanced, competitive, and sustainable. The fisheries governance for Purse Seine gear is strengthened and a conductive business climate supports sustainable Purse Seine industry operations.
The vision then being ellaborate into three missions as follow:
1. Build and strengthen relationships between stakeholders in Purse Seine Fisheries and lead the development of sustainable and fair policies together with but not exclusive to association members, the Indonesian government, as well as Non- Government Organisations.
2. Increase the capacity of the association and its members to actively contribute to data collection and compliance with fishing regulations in order to strengthen sustainable fisheries management in
3. Elevate the competitiveness of the Indonesian Purse Seine sector by being a national and international proactive leader for driving forward, promoting, and marketing responsible Purse Seine fishing and products.
This FIP belongs to the newly formed Indonesian Purse Seine Association (APSI - Asosiasi Purse Seine Indonesia). This FIP operated in Indonesia FMA 715 and 716, part of the WCPO stock.
The objectives of this FIP are to strengthen data collection and compliance of the Purse Seine Tuna Fishery as declared in the association code of conduct, and also to get MSC ecolabel by 2028 or sooner, with details as follow:
Principle 1:
- Adopt Target Reference points for Indonesia Archipelagic Water yellowfin that are compatible with WCPO rules and tools.
- Adopting Target Reference points for WCPFC yellowfin and applying harvest strategies accross WCPFC tropical tuna fisheries.
- Strengthening data collection from catch logbook returns, with observer coverage and reviewing alternative systems that will strengthen compliance.
Principle 2:
- Adopting Target Reference Points for WCPFC bigeye tuna and applying harvest strategies across the WCPFC tropical tuna fisheries;
- Strengthen the data available for purse seine bycatch (neritic tunas and small pelagics) in order to assess the relative impact of the Bitung purse seine fishery on these stocks
- Contribute to the development of partial strategies for Bonito and Scads in AW zone;
- Expand the existing PSAs to include Scad and Bonito;
- Provide evidence (observer reports) on the proportion of fishing occuring on FADs and that shark finning is not taking place on purse seine vessels;
Principle 3:
- Provide evidence that the MCS system in place has a demonstrated ability to enforce relevant management measures, strategies and/or rules (3.2.3a);
- Provide evidence that sanctions are being applied to the tuna purse seine sector and that they are an effective deterrent (3.2.3b);
- Ensure that the fishery-specific management system is subject to regular internal and occasional external review (3.2.4b).
FIP at a Glance
43% | 57% |
This pie chart represents completed environmental actions. Non-completed environmental actions may contain completed sub-tasks that are not illustrated here. For more information on environmental action progress visit the Actions Progress tab.
- Complete
- Incomplete