The Irish Prawn FIP covers Irish registered fishing vessels targeting Nephrops norvegicus in ICES Area 7. The fleet varies in size from vessels of 12m up to 30m with the majority of landings coming from the larger vessels. The fleet fishes with bottom trawls using either single rig, twin rig, or quad rig set-ups. Many of the larger vessels have been converted to freezer trawlers over the past 5 years. The part of the fleet which can be defined as FIP members will be those that sign an agreement to become FIP members and to abide by the FIP rules.
The Irish Prawn FIP covers Irish registered fishing vessels targeting Nephrops norvegicus in ICES Area 7. The fleet varies in size from vessels of 12m up to 30m with the majority of landings coming from the larger vessels.
- To improve observer coverage and enhance industry data provision by 2027.
- To increase the uptake rates of gears and approaches which reduce bycatch and discards in the fishery by 2027.
- To investigate and implement the most appropriate management system which will protect functional units within an area VII based approach by 2027.
FIP at a Glance
14% | 18% | 46% | 21% |
This pie chart represents completed environmental actions. Non-completed environmental actions may contain completed sub-tasks that are not illustrated here. For more information on environmental action progress visit the Actions Progress tab.
- Complete
- Incomplete