On average, approximately 340 tonnes of saithe were landed annually in mixed demersal fisheries by Irish vessels between 2020 and 2022, 29% of which were caught in the South of Ireland within ICES Area 7.g and 27% caught in 7.j. In 2022, 368 tonnes of saithe were landed which were worth approximately €570,000 for Irish vessels.
Catches of saithe by Irish vessels are mainly taken by bottom otter trawl (mainly in Subarea 6) and set gillnets (mainly in subarea 7) in the following fisheries:
Gillnet fisheries:
• Mixed whitefish gillnet fishery alongside ling and pollack
• Bycatch in hake gillnet fishery
Bottom otter trawl fisheries:
• Small bycatch in fishery targeting anglerfish, megrims, and hake.
• Small bycatch in fishery targeting whiting
• Small bycatch in fishery targeting Nephrops
• During trawling trips for other species a few days may be spent targeting saithe – this is a clean fishery directed at homogeneous shoals of saithe.
On average, approximately 340 tonnes of saithe were landed annually in mixed demersal fisheries by Irish vessels between 2020 and 2022, 29% of which were caught in the South of Ireland within ICES Area 7.g and 27% caught in 7.j.
- To improve observer programs and enhance data collection by 2027 and to monitor observer coverage rates and industry data provision levels.
- To collect information on primary, secondary, and ETP species in the fishery by 2027 and to ensure that this data informs management decisions in the fishery.
- To increase compliance with the Landing Obligation by raising awareness & understanding of this management measure by 2027.
FIP at a Glance
21% | 64% | 14% |
This pie chart represents completed environmental actions. Non-completed environmental actions may contain completed sub-tasks that are not illustrated here. For more information on environmental action progress visit the Actions Progress tab.
- Complete
- Incomplete