Resources providing guidance that cover the lifespan of a FIP
Conservation Alliance Guidelines for Supporting Fishery Improvement Projects
The Conservation Alliance’s updated guidelines for FIPs, including the criteria for basic and comprehensive FIPs, serve as the foundation for FisheryProgress.
Conservation International Community Fishery Improvement Project Manual
Manual on how to design and implement a community Fishery Improvement Project (CFIP) model, from scoping, to application of the triple impact evaluation framework, to design and implementation of an improvement plan.
Marine Stewardship Council Fishery Improvement Tools
Information for FIPs improving toward MSC certification, including pre-assessment and action plan tools; tracking tools; and information about finding a consultant and MSC’s capacity-building training program. (View)
MSC Capacity Building Toolkit
MSC Capacity Building Workshops - Levels 1, 2, and 3
Sustainable Fisheries Partnership (SFP) FIP Toolkit
A set of tools created by SFP to support the seafood industry in developing FIPs.
Global Marine Commodities
Global Marine Commodities has created Key Considerations for Fishery Improvement Projects. The aim of this document is to assist those involved in fishery improvement projects and related dialogue platforms by providing information that sets out the circumstance under which a FIP may be most likely to succeed. It makes use of a mix of lessons learned from the GMC project implementation teams and wider reviews of FIP implementation experiences from around the world.
World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Fisheries Resources
WWF has created a number of resources to help FIPs, including the FIP Handbook: Guidelines for Developing Fishery Improvement Projects. (Spanish | Bahasa Indonesia)
WWF has also created interactive online courses to provide fishery stakeholders with the knowledge and skills necessary to develop FIPs. These courses are available in both English and Spanish.
WWF has also created Guidance and Tools for Traceability in Fishery Improvement Projects.
The purpose of this Guidance is to help Fishery Improvement Project (FIP) practitioners and stakeholders work successfully with the issue of seafood traceability to achieve improved FIP outcomes and to encourage transparent and responsible practices across the fishing industry.
International Seafood Sustainability Foundation (ISSF) Fisheries Improvement Resources
ISSF offers many resources to support global tuna FIPs. ISSF also has developed a FIP Resources Finder, an online tool for fisheries that matches more than 200 ISSF reports, guidebooks, and other resources to Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) Principles and Performance Indicators (PIs). (View)
Environmental Defense Fund and Acumen Academy
EDF and Acumen Academy have teamed up to deliver a new Resilient Small-Scale Fisheries Leadership Accelerator, a 12-week program that equips motivated individuals from or working in service of the small-scale fisheries sector with the leadership skills they need to navigate increasing uncertainty and change. During the program, participants gain a deeper understanding of fisheries systems and develop a powerful network of sustainability-minded peers to advance climate-resilient fisheries.
Fishery Improvement Projects Database (FIP-DB)
The FIP Database, initiated by Sustainable Fisheries Partnership and run by the University of Washington, is an online spreadsheet/database tool which provides researchers with the ability to identify trends in FIP data and to evaluate which factors lead to success or failure in FIPs. (View)
Financial Rapid Assessment
Tool designed to rapidly assess the business capacity of seafood enterprises.
Triple Impact Fisheries Evaluation Framework
The framework evaluates needs, plans improvements and monitors and publicly reports progress against the environmental, social and financial dimensions of sustainability.
The FishPath tool guides users through a series of questions regarding economic, operational, biological, ecological and governance characteristics of the fishery. User answers are applied to a decision framework that matches responses to all available data collection, assessment, and management measure options. The tool highlights the relevant caveats, assumptions, and challenges of implementing each option so users can fully consider the realities of implementation and determine the best approach for their fishery. Users can also learn about each option through resources and links. New options are periodically added to ensure contemporaneity.
AIP Directory
The AIP Directory is a dedicated online platform for information about aquaculture improvement projects (AIPs) around the world. It allows users to explore active AIPs, list projects, and find useful resource on AIP implementation. (View)