Indicator Score 

Rationale for Score Change

MMAF is in the process of strengthening its decision-making systems. Decisions are now required to take account of scientific advice and monitoring processes are in place to ensure that conservation principles are followed. The core of fisheries management decision making lies with the DGCF, with scientific advice from the Centre for Fisheries Research (CFR) and the DG of Marine and Fisheries Surveillance. There is some evidence that scientific papers from the CFR are used as the basis to decide the TACs set out in Regulation 50/2017 for the crab resource in FMA 712. However, examples of decision-making processes in this fishery, such as how the actual catch may be reduced should the TAC be exceeded in this fully exploited resource are unclear. A Fisheries management council and Data management committee for Blue swimming crab fisheries was established at at the Provincial level under Governor Decree, 2019. The FMC and DMC collaborates with all the stakeholders of Blue swimming crab fisheries and is led by the Agency of Marine Affairs and Fisheries at Provincial level. They meet regularly to monitor and evaluate BSC fishery and decide on its management. The Data management committee uses data from stakeholders as the basis of decision-making processes. For the legal challenges or judicial decisions, there is an example of The formation of FMC, work of enumerators in creating awareness among fishermen and the adherence of processors to Control document seems to be efficient in improving the stock status with considerable reduction in crabs below MLS (APRI2020) The Government responded to decreasing crab populations by implementing regulations in 2015 that introduced a minimum landing size of 10cm and prohibiting the capture of berried females. A trawl ban was also introduced in all FMAs in Indonesia. The government seems to be working on the enforcement of reducing trawl usage in the fishing area of blue swimming crab. In Bangkalan, Madura a defendant was subject to sanctions related to the use of the trawl fishing gear (Doc: putusan_301_pid.b_lh_2020_pn_bkl_20201203). Information about the fishery’s performance and progress is publicly available. Disputes are usually decided at village level. APRI’s attempts to work with the fishermen in creating awareness about Harvest strategies seems to be working.
Change Date 
Friday, March 19, 2021 - 12:19