Social Responsibility Assessment Tool for the Seafood Sector
FisheryProgress uses the Social Responsibility Assessment (SRA) Tool for the Seafood Sector as the framework for FIPs to report on social performance. The SRA is the operationalization of “The Monterey Framework,” a shared definition of social responsibility specific to the seafood sector.
The SRA was developed by Conservation International and a broad coalition of experts across the conservation and social responsibility fields. Drawing from leading social responsibility standards, it provides a comprehensive set of indicators for social performance that can be applied in large- and small-scale fisheries.
Access the SRA and a variety of supporting resources on the RISE platform here.
What is the SRA?
The SRA was developed in alignment with many social standards and certifications, but it is not itself a certification. Instead, the SRA is a complementary tool that can be used to:
- Translate audit results into a comprehensive risk assessment
- Uncover areas where an audit did not collect information
- Monitor and report on progress over time
Guidance materials have been developed to make implementation of the SRA tool simple in supply chains seeking or maintaining certification. Access those resources on the RISE platform here.
Why use the SRA for reporting on social performance?
FisheryProgress chose the SRA as the framework for reporting on social performance for three main reasons. First, FisheryProgress needed a standardized framework that would cover all issues required by its social policy, in addition to other social and economic issues that FIPs may choose to report on voluntarily. The SRA covers both these needs credibly and holistically.
Second, FisheryProgress needed a tool that would accommodate both FIPs working toward social certifications and FIPs working outside of a social certification framework. As a benchmarking tool, the SRA can be mapped to social certification and audit programs in order to recognize the efforts FIPs undertake when they work with one of these programs. As a risk assessment tool, the SRA also accommodates FIPs making improvements outside of a formal auditing or certification program.
Third, and perhaps most important, the SRA was designed specifically for FIPs. Organized around principles and indicators much like the MSC standard, the format will be familiar and straightforward for FIPs to use. In this way, it is intended to serve as a complementary tool to a FIP’s environmental needs assessment or pre-assessment.
What does the SRA cover?
The SRA is based on the three principles of the “The Monterey Framework,” a shared definition of social responsibility developed by a coalition of 33 NGOs and businesses. Each principle is then broken down into components, which are broken further into a total of 24 performance indicators, each with a number of scoring guideposts.

What if I am already working with another social standard or certification program?
FIPs that conduct social assessments based on other social certifications and standards may use their third party audit or pre-assessment data to complete a risk assessment. The conditions for doing so are outlined in the Social Review Guidelines.
ELEVATE has developed guidance materials to make implementation of the SRA tool simple in supply chains seeking or maintaining certification. This includes equivalency guides for some of the most commonly used social certifications and audit programs, including:
- AENOR Atún de Pesca Responsible certification
- Fair Trade USA Capture Fisheries Standard, and
- Global Seafood Assurances Responsible Fishing Vessel Standard.
Access these guides and additional information on the RISE platform here.
Where can I find out more about the SRA and access any related supporting resources?
Although Conservation International undertook the initial development of the SRA, it is housed by the RISE platform and ongoing management of the tool resides with ELEVATE, a global sustainability and supply chain services provider. As the host of the SRA, ELEVATE manages revisions of the SRA and provides training and materials around the use of the tool.
Access the SRA and a variety of supporting resources on the RISE platform here.
If you have any questions on the SRA, please contact ELEVATE at