Indicator Score 

Rationale for Score Change

The Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF) has issued the Blue Swimming Crab Fisheries Management Plan through Ministerial Decree No. 70/KEPMEN-KP/2016. Later, MMAF issued a regulation related to the update for the Blue Swimming Crab Fisheries Management Plan and has established the Fisheries Management Committee based on Fisheries Management Area level through the Ministerial Regulation No. 20/PERMEN-KP/2021. The Fisheries Management Committee includes various stakeholders in BSC fisheries that their authorities and their roles are as described in that Ministerial Regulation. The BSC management plan (2021) clearly discusses an established decision making process that can achieve fishery specific objectives (2.4 Fisheries governance). The process is set to respond to major issues arising from research, monitoring, evaluation and consultation, in a transparent, timely and adaptive manner and take account of the wider implications of decisions (For eg; the change of mesh size of gill net to 4.5 inches). The precautionary principle of the management decision making is stated in 1.3 Fisheries Management Vision of management plan. National and regional policy, regulation, etc., are accessible through the MMAF website and provincial/district websites. For example, for the Harvest Strategy, Fisheries Management Plan, BSC minimum legal size are available on the MMAF website (kkp.go.id) and another government website (such as bpk.go.id). There is no evidence of the fishery being subject to legal challenges that I could find, but stakeholder meeting assured that there is a transparent dispute resolution system in the fishery. The In the village regulation, the steps to be taken for dispute resolution is stipulated. If it is not resolved at the village level, it will be taken to the authorized law enforcers, including the courts. One of the major area of dispute is the illegal mini trawl fishing. It is managed by force sometimes (like last month a mini trawl was burned down with its catch in Central Java) but most of the time it is resolved through talks and discussions. There are out reach programmes to create awareness regarding illegal fishing practices and gear swap offers.
Change Date 
Wednesday, October 18, 2023 - 15:01