The white clam (Dosinia ponderosa) semiautonomous Hookah diving fishery from the Puerto Peñasco, Sonora region of the Northern Gulf of California, has become important in recent years due to its abundance and growing market interest. The average annual catch of around 150 metric tons is generated by 18 licenses (boats) distributed between 4 cooperatives and 8 individual licensees. This fishing effort is focused on harvesting two main clam beds, evaluated by INAPESCA as a healthy population capable of sustainable management using a total allowable catch and individual quotas which they have already determined.
The white clam (Dosinia ponderosa) semiautonomous Hookah diving fishery from the Puerto Peñasco, Sonora region of the Northern Gulf of California, has become important in recent years due to its abundance and growing market interest.
General objective
The goal of this White Clam (Dosinia ponderosa) basic FIP is to have the fishery perform at a consistent level to achieve approval for certification to the MSC standard by 2025
Specific objectives
- Install the White Clam Fishery Management Consultative Committee by 2025
- Design and implement a Fishery Monitoring Program by 2025.
- Elaborate a White clam Stock assessment update by 2022 (Completed 2023).
- Generate inputs for the development and implementation of a Fishery Management Plan FMP for the white clam fishery by 2025.
- Develop a Fact Sheet proposal for the white clam fishery and request its incorporation into the National Fisheries Act by 2025.
FIP at a Glance
25% | 75% |
This pie chart represents completed environmental actions. Non-completed environmental actions may contain completed sub-tasks that are not illustrated here. For more information on environmental action progress visit the Actions Progress tab.
- Complete
- Incomplete