Fyke Net


The Spain crayfish (crawfish) FIP is implemented by the industry representatives ALFOCAN and SOUTH OCEAN. Both processing companies gather most of the annual volumes of the local crayfish industry. The FIP has been active since January 2021, but early improvement efforts were carried out as early as 2015.

The crayfish (crawfish) are caught by recreational fishermen/crayfish collectors. In Andalusia, most landings are directly bought from these fishermen, while in Extremadura the crayfish are sourced through authorized reception centers (who buy and collect the catches of the local fishermen/collectors).

Crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) are unevenly distributed throughout Andalusia and Extremadura. The crayfish are caught by hand with fyke nets in marshes and rice fields of Andalusia and by boat using traps in lakes and rivers of Extremadura. 

Fishing for crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) in Andalusia and Extremadura is regulated through the Crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) Control Plan in the Guadalquivir Marshes (BOJA nº 152, 2016. https://www.juntadeandalucia.es/boja /2016/152/BOJA16-152-00218.pdf) and the Crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) and Signal Crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) Control Plan in Extremadura (DOE nº 220, 2016 http://doe.gobex.es/pdfs/doe/2016/2200o/16061720.pdf, modified by DOE nº 61, 2019. http://doe.gobex.es/pdfs/doe/2019/610o/19060641.pdf)

In Andalusia the crayfish fishery is located in the waters of the Guadalquivir river (which is the main area where this fishery is allowed), while fishing for crayfish in Extremadura is allowed in all continental waters of Extremadura (which includes waters of the Guadiana and the Tajo rivers, although catches in Tajo waters are rare). 

Name of the fishery: Crayfish fishery in Andalusia and Extremadura

Targeted species common name: Crayfish / Crawfish / Cangrejo rojo americano / Écrevisse

Targeted species scientific name: Procambarus clarkii

Targeted stock: Procambarus clarkii (stock boundaries undefined: either the Iberian Peninsula or the different regions where the fishery takes place).

The fishing method or gear type(s) and/or practice: Fyke nets in Andalusia and Crayfish traps in Extremadura.

The fishing fleet or group of vessels, or individuals fishing operators pursuing that stock: Recreational fishermen holders of administrative authorization to fish for crayfish in Andalusia or Extremadura and selling the catch to authorized storage/distribution or processing facilities.

Country: Spain

Continent: Europe

FAO major fishing areas: Freshwater fishery in continental waters of Spain. FAO zone 05.

The Spain crayfish (crawfish) FIP is implemented by the industry representatives ALFOCAN and SOUTH OCEAN. Both processing companies gather most of the annual volumes of the local crayfish industry. The FIP has been active since January 2021, but early improvement efforts were carried out as early as 2015.

FIP at a Glance

View current status
January 01, 2021
57% 29% 14%
Progress Rating (A) Advanced Progress

Reserved for comprehensive FIPs that have achieved a Stage 4 or 5 result within the past 12 months.

(B) Good Progress

A basic FIP that has achieved a Stage 4 or 5 result within 12 months.

(C) Some Recent Progress
  • A FIP that has achieved a Stage 4 or 5 result in more than 12 (but less than 24) months AND has reported a Stage 3 activity within the past six months.
  • A FIP younger than 12 months that has never achieved a Stage 4 or 5 result but has reported a Stage 3 activity within the first 12 months.
(D) Some Past Progress
  • A FIP that has achieved a Stage 4 or 5 result in more than 12 (but less than 24) months BUT has not reported a Stage 3 activity within the past six months.
  • A FIP for which the most recent Stage 4 or 5 result is more than 24 (but less than 36) months old AND a Stage 3 activity has been reported within six months.
  • A FIP 12-36 months old that has never reported a Stage 4 or 5 result AND has reported a Stage 3 activity within the past six months.
(E) Negligible Progress
  • A FIP for which the most recent Stage 4 or 5 result is more than 24 (but less than 36) months old, with no Stage 3 activity reported in the last six months.
  • A FIP younger than 12 months with no Stage 3 activity reported within 12 months.
  • A FIP 12-36 months old that has never reported a Stage 4 or 5 result AND has not reported a Stage 3 activity within the past six months.

The ratings are currently derived by SFP from publicly available data on FIP websites, including FisheryProgress.org, and are determined using the following methodology: View PDF

C Some Recent Progress
Actions Complete

This pie chart represents completed environmental actions. Non-completed environmental actions may contain completed sub-tasks that are not illustrated here. For more information on environmental action progress visit the Actions Progress tab.

  • Complete
  • Incomplete
Next Update Due FisheryProgress requires a FIP to provide update reports every six months, and two missed reports will render the FIP inactive. If a report is overdue, this date will appear red.
Oct 2024
Target End Date
Dec 2025

FIP Leads

Organization Name 
Organization Type 
Primary Contact 
Gerardo Márquez Torres
FIP Identification Number The FIP Identification Number is automatically generated by FisheryProgress when a FIP profile is created. While the number itself is not meaningful, they are used by NGOs, academia, and industry to refer to FIPs in a consistent way.
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