Q&A with Mark Eastham of Ahold Delhaize USA

In 2024, leading grocery retail group Ahold Delhaize USA made a commitment to continue to improve their seafood sourcing by updating their policy on fishery improvement projects (FIPs). Ahold Delhaize USA has been sourcing from FIPs since 2018 and views these initiatives as integral ways in which seafood buyers can improve their sourcing. The enhanced policy language reflects their commitment to sourcing from FIPs that are actively reporting on their progress.

The updated policy states "FIPs must be committed to publicly reporting on independent platforms like FisheryProgress.org and should demonstrate regular progress toward environmental and social responsibility."

FisheryProgress spoke with Sustainable Products Lead Mark Eastham to get more insight on their policy and their commitment to FIPs. Check out the Q&A below.

  1. What inspired the language change to the sourcing policy?
    Seafood is a daily source of protein for 3 billion people, making it an important part of the grocery business.
    Ahold Delhaize USA and its local brands take pride in its sustainable seafood policy. All seafood sold - whether fresh, frozen, canned, farmed, or wild - must be certified against a GSSI-benchmarked standard, from an accepted Fishery or Aquaculture Improvement Project (FIP or AIP), or assessed by our non-profit partner the Gulf of Maine Research Institute (GMRI). All local brand seafood assortments meet this policy requirement, and FIPs play a huge role. We recognize FIPs help improve fishing practices and management that can support a transition to certification, like Marine Stewardship Council (MSC). We’ve historically asked our suppliers to source from FIPs and we’ve updated our policy criteria, asking our suppliers to demonstrate regular progress toward environmental and social responsibility. We’ll work with GMRI to monitor progress through FisheryProgress.org ratings and reported evidence of improvements.
  2. How is this change reflective of the larger sourcing goals for Ahold Delhaize USA?
    Ahold Delhaize USA is committed to enabling Healthier People and a Healthier Planet, which includes strategic sustainability pillars focused on a range of topics including transparency and sustainable products. The scope of this work is large and covers many commodities across a wide array of industries, including seafood, and requires different mechanisms to drive sustainable outcomes.
  3. Calling out social responsibility specifically is an admirable step. Are you seeing an increase in consumer demand for products from socially responsible sources?
    Ahold Delhaize USA is committed to respecting the human rights of associates, customers, communities, and the people who work throughout the supply chains of our brands. We aim to contribute to a more equitable society that recognizes and respects human rights. We’re committed to due diligence and are focused on salient social impacts, like child labor, forced labor, land rights, access to water, and others. 
  4. Are there any FIPs in particular that you source from that you would like to recognize for their environmental and social progress?
    Ahold Delhaize USA sources from over 35 FIPs in fisheries worldwide, and we recognize them all for their unique contributions towards more sustainable production.
  5. Aside from sourcing from FIPs, what other ways does Ahold engage with FIPs to encourage continued progress?
    When we see opportunities with FIPs, we engage directly with suppliers in conversation, as well as with the FIP coordinators and participants to communicate expectations around progress. We also use these engagements to understand the challenges the FIP might be facing, and where Ahold Delhaize USA might be able to provide support.