The Ecuadorian small pelagic fishery is economically and socially important for the country. One of the end uses for some species caught in the fishery is the production of fishmeal and fish oil. In order to eventually be approved as a source of Marine Trust raw material, the fishmeal industry has worked in association with the National Chamber of Fisheries of Ecuador, the Global Sustainable Supply Chains for Marine Commodities Project, the United Nations Development Programme, the Sustainable Fisheries Partnership, and the Global Environment Facility to obtain recognition under the Marine Trust Improver Programme.
During the period 2012-2016, on average, 80% of the catches were composed of the species: macarela (Pacific chub mackerel, Scomber japonicus); pinchagua (thread herrings, Opisthonema spp); Sardine redonda (red-eye round herring, Etrumeus acuminatus); chuhueco (Pacific anchoveta, Cetengraulis mysticetus); botellita (frigate tuna, Auxis spp); and picudillo (Shortfin scad, Decapterus macrosoma). The small pelagic fishery is carried out using purse seine gears, and catches are used for frozen fish, canned fish, and fishmeal, in accordance with Ecuadorian law. The FIP aims to achieve sustainability of small pelagics stocks in Ecuador. The IFFO RS Standard (now known as MarinTrust) was chosen as the initial benchmark for the assessment of a work plan. Since FisheryProgress requires reporting against the MSC standard, an analysis of MarinTrust versus MSC was carried out to translate the MarinTrust standard to MSC PIs.
The FIP has operated under the MarinTrust Program since October 2018. The MarinTrust Standard guarantees the following:
- Eradication of illegal, unregulated, and unreported fishing material used as raw material approved by MarinTrust.
- Raw materials used in the production of marine ingredients from responsibly managed fisheries.
- Promotion of efficient production practices for marine ingredients to reduce the environmental impact of the fishmeal and fish oil manufacturing process.
- Safe manufacture of marine ingredients through Good Manufacturing Practices.
- Existence of effective traceability systems to ensure that MarinTrust compliant marine ingredients can be traced back to the approved MarinTrust raw material fishery.
- Protection of social rights and welfare of employees in factories producing marine ingredients.
- For more information about MarinTrust Standard visit: https://www.marin-trust.com/.
As part of the scope of the FIP, 32 vessels are part of the project and represent around 30% of registered and active fishing efforts. The fishmeal producer members of the project represent around 80% of fishmeal exports, while feed producer members represent around 90% of the local market.
The Ecuadorian small pelagic fishery is economically and socially important for the country. One of the end uses for some species caught in the fishery is the production of fishmeal and fish oil.
The FIP objectives are:
- Improve the fishery, species, habitats and environmental data collection. Objective achieved in 2021.
- Improve stock assessments of relevant species to the fishery. Develop yearly assessments between 2019-2023.
- Evaluate potential impact of the fishery in the habitat, ecosystems, and ETP species and managers adopt CMMs. Develop yearly assessments between 2019-2023.
- Implement management measures (CMMs) by fishery managers accordingly to the Stock Assessments outcomes and recommendations. Objective achieved in 2021.
- Improve decision making process on fishery management as a transparent, inclusive and participatory process. Objective achieved in 2020.
Updated objectives Dec 2025:
- Establish a recovery process for frigate tuna stocks and continuous the strengthen of data collection for all small pelagic species. Objective achieved in December 2025.
FIP at a Glance
54% | 4% | 7% | 36% |
This pie chart represents completed environmental actions. Non-completed environmental actions may contain completed sub-tasks that are not illustrated here. For more information on environmental action progress visit the Actions Progress tab.
- Complete
- Incomplete