Mexico Gulf of California swimming crab - pot/trap/ring net

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The Gulf of California swimming crab FIP started in 2009 under the coordination of the Sustainable Fisheries Partnership (SFP). The FIP coordination and leadership was transferred to the industry in January 2015. All of the activities, improvements, and achievements during that period were reported on SFP’s website and a summary can be downloaded here.

Mexico is the main Latin American country exporting swimming crab products to international markets. Between 2006 and 2013, Mexico exported an annual average of 2.6 thousand metric tons of swimming crab products, with an average value of 22.1 million dollars. During that same period of time, Mexico exported an annual average of 1.1 thousand tons of crabmeat with an average value of 19 million dollars to the US market.

Mexico has an annual average production of 23 thousand metric tons with a beach value of US 17 million dollars and during the past ten years, the fishery has presented an annual growth rate of 3.8%. This ranks the fishery tenth on landings and twelfth on economic value.

The Pacific coast of Mexico produces 63% of the national landings - of that percentage the Gulf of California landings makeup 60%. Sinoloa and Sonora states stand out as the main producers in the country

The swimming crab fishery in the Gulf of California is of great importance to small-scale fishers in the months before and after the shrimp fishery’s peak (September to November). An estimated total of 2,193 small-scale fishing boats, including 4,400 fishers and 139 fishing permits, are active in the Gulf of California.

The fishery is regulated by the Mexican Official Standard NOM-039-PESC-2003, which includes minimum legal size requirements and restrictions on fishing gear (type and number/vessel), egg bearing females, and type of bait. The Standard also controls the total amount of fishing gear in the main production states (70,800 in Sinaloa, 43,600 in Sonora, and 8,000 in Baja California Sur). For the rest of the states (Baja California, Nayarit, and Jalisco) the restriction on fishing gear depends on the technical opinion of the National Fisheries Institute (INAPESCA).

Since 2013, there has also been a Fishery Closure which runs from May 1 to July 10 every year to protect reproduction and recruitment. Finally, in 2014 the fisheries authority published the Fishery Management Plan. INAPESCA states the fishery is as at maximum sustainable yield (MSY) and recommends against any increase in fishing effort in Sinaloa, Sonora and Baja California Sur. There are possibilities of incremental fishing effort for the rest of the Pacific coast states.


FIP Description 

The Gulf of California swimming crab FIP started in 2009 under the coordination of the Sustainable Fisheries Partnership (SFP). The FIP coordination and leadership was transferred to the industry in January 2015.

FIP Objective(s) 

FIP Goal:

The goal of the project is to strengthen the harvest strategy, related harvest control rules and the management system to reach, for the fall of 2025, a minimum score of 80 for all the principles performance indicators for the MSC Standard.

Project outcomes for 2025 are:

  • To establish a fishery monitoring and data collection program to document and evaluate the fishery impacts to biodiversity.
  • To develop and publish a robust and comprehensive stock assessment for the target species.
  • To develop and implement of a harvest strategy and control rules for the fishery.
  • To contribute in the update to the national fishery regulatory to meet the sustainability standards internationally accepted.
FIP Type 
FIP Stage 
Stage 4: Improvements in Fishing Practices or Fishery Management
Start and Projected End Dates
August 2010
October 2025
The Gulf of California swimming crab FIP started in 2009 under the coordination of the Sustainable Fisheries Partnership (SFP). The FIP coordination and leadership was transferred to the industry in January 2015. From the 2015 – 2017 period, the FIP focused the efforts on strengthening the supply chain compliance with the fishery regulations, particularly those related to minimum legal size the protection of egg bearing females and the full observance of the fishery seasonal closure. Additional efforts were also placed on promoting the fishery management plan implementation. In the first half of 2017, a new preassessment was conducted and the results were used to validate the fishery improvements (Year 1) and to develop a new workplan for the 2017-2020 period. During the 2018-2020 period, besides the financial constraints faced, the project, was able to complete four of the six proposed actions. After major adjustments to the supply chain, business strategy and the 2020 market and economic contraction related to the COVID-19 global pandemic FIP Participants are confident to have the means to deliver the last improvements needed to get the fishery ready for its MSC certification. This is why we are upgrading the project to a Comprehensive FIP and presenting this update to the project calendar and activities. We are confident that at the end of this last 5-year period, the fishery will deliver an score of 80+ for all the MSC Fisheries Standard performance indicators.
Next Progress Report Due 
Monday, June 30, 2025
Common Name 
Cortez Swimming Crab
Scientific Name
Callinectes bellicosus
Common Name 
Arched Swimming Crab
Scientific Name
Callinectes arcuatus
Gear Type 
Ring Net
FAO Major Fishing Area
Area 77 (Pacific, Eastern Central)
Exclusive Economic Zones
Geographic Scope 
Gulf of California on the shores and estuaries Sinaloa and Sonora States
Estimated Total FIP Landings 
223,000 metric tons
Estimated Total Fishery Landings 
7,500 metric tons
Landings Date 
December 2023

FIP at a Glance

View current status
August 01, 2010
43% 32% 25%
Progress Rating (A) Advanced Progress

Reserved for comprehensive FIPs that have achieved a Stage 4 or 5 result within the past 12 months.

(B) Good Progress

A basic FIP that has achieved a Stage 4 or 5 result within 12 months.

(C) Some Recent Progress
  • A FIP that has achieved a Stage 4 or 5 result in more than 12 (but less than 24) months AND has reported a Stage 3 activity within the past six months.
  • A FIP younger than 12 months that has never achieved a Stage 4 or 5 result but has reported a Stage 3 activity within the first 12 months.
(D) Some Past Progress
  • A FIP that has achieved a Stage 4 or 5 result in more than 12 (but less than 24) months BUT has not reported a Stage 3 activity within the past six months.
  • A FIP for which the most recent Stage 4 or 5 result is more than 24 (but less than 36) months old AND a Stage 3 activity has been reported within six months.
  • A FIP 12-36 months old that has never reported a Stage 4 or 5 result AND has reported a Stage 3 activity within the past six months.
(E) Negligible Progress
  • A FIP for which the most recent Stage 4 or 5 result is more than 24 (but less than 36) months old, with no Stage 3 activity reported in the last six months.
  • A FIP younger than 12 months with no Stage 3 activity reported within 12 months.
  • A FIP 12-36 months old that has never reported a Stage 4 or 5 result AND has not reported a Stage 3 activity within the past six months.

The ratings are currently derived by SFP from publicly available data on FIP websites, including, and are determined using the following methodology: View PDF

D Some Past Progress
Actions Complete

This pie chart represents completed environmental actions. Non-completed environmental actions may contain completed sub-tasks that are not illustrated here. For more information on environmental action progress visit the Actions Progress tab.

  • Complete
  • Incomplete
Next Update Due FisheryProgress requires a FIP to provide update reports every six months, and two missed reports will render the FIP inactive. If a report is overdue, this date will appear red.
Jun 2025
Target End Date
Oct 2025

FIP Leads

Organization Name 
Direct Source Seafood
Organization Type 
Primary Contact 
Robert Stryker
Organization Name 
Alimentos del Mar de Norte America
Organization Type 
Primary Contact 
Yesica Hernandez
FIP Identification Number The FIP Identification Number is automatically generated by FisheryProgress when a FIP profile is created. While the number itself is not meaningful, they are used by NGOs, academia, and industry to refer to FIPs in a consistent way.