The general purpose of the Canada 3LNO American plaice FIP process is to improve the likelihood that this Canadian offshore fishery will pass the main assessment to receive MSC certification. Current markets for American plaice include the USA for fillets and Asia for H&G, with future market opportunities in Europe. MSC certification will be key for future sales opportunities. The FIP endeavors to improve information about the stock assessment, recovery planning, and fishery information on both target and bycatch species. Additional key goals for this FIP include habitat impact identification and improving management objectives and tools for the fishery.
The directed fishery for this stock of American plaice is currently in a moratorium. There is bycatch in other directed groundfish fisheries. The volume of directed catch is currently set at 0 and a control is set for bycatch.
The general purpose of the Canada 3LNO American plaice FIP process is to improve the likelihood that this Canadian offshore fishery will pass the main assessment to receive MSC certification. Current markets for American plaice include the USA for fillets and Asia for H&G, with future market opportunities in Europe. MSC certification will be key for future sales opportunities. The FIP endeavors to improve information about the stock assessment, recovery planning, and fishery information on both target and bycatch species.