Purse Seine


This FIP addresses all purse seine vessels that are part of ANABAC which target three troppical tuna sotcks for the Eastern Atlantic Ocean [skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis), yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) and bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus)] both on FADs and unassociated sets. This FIP aims to support improvement in the management of the Eastern Atlantic Ocean so that in the future, consumers can be assured that the purse-seine tuna they purchase has been harvested sustainably.

The ANABAC fleet associated with this FIP has made good progress in implementing its work plan and since the beginning of 2023 all fleet partners are MSC certified in yellowfin and skipjack tuna (https://fisheries.msc.org/en/fisheries/anabac-atlantic-purse-seine-yello...@@view). There is a need for ANABAC FIP to continue actions for bigeye tuna, which is subject to a multi-annual management, conservation and rebuilding programme by the RFMO. While several actions will be completed within the MSC certification for both yellowfin and skipjack MSC certified species, ANABAC FIP will now focus on bigeye tuna.

This FIP addresses all purse seine vessels that are part of ANABAC which target three troppical tuna sotcks for the Eastern Atlantic Ocean [skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis), yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) and bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus)] both on FADs and unassociated sets. This FIP aims to support improvement in the management of the Eastern Atlantic Ocean so that in the future, consumers can be assured that the purse-seine tuna they purchase has been harvested sustainably.

FIP at a Glance

View current status
July 01, 2023
36% 64%
Progress Rating (A) Advanced Progress

Reserved for comprehensive FIPs that have achieved a Stage 4 or 5 result within the past 12 months.

(B) Good Progress

A basic FIP that has achieved a Stage 4 or 5 result within 12 months.

(C) Some Recent Progress
  • A FIP that has achieved a Stage 4 or 5 result in more than 12 (but less than 24) months AND has reported a Stage 3 activity within the past six months.
  • A FIP younger than 12 months that has never achieved a Stage 4 or 5 result but has reported a Stage 3 activity within the first 12 months.
(D) Some Past Progress
  • A FIP that has achieved a Stage 4 or 5 result in more than 12 (but less than 24) months BUT has not reported a Stage 3 activity within the past six months.
  • A FIP for which the most recent Stage 4 or 5 result is more than 24 (but less than 36) months old AND a Stage 3 activity has been reported within six months.
  • A FIP 12-36 months old that has never reported a Stage 4 or 5 result AND has reported a Stage 3 activity within the past six months.
(E) Negligible Progress
  • A FIP for which the most recent Stage 4 or 5 result is more than 24 (but less than 36) months old, with no Stage 3 activity reported in the last six months.
  • A FIP younger than 12 months with no Stage 3 activity reported within 12 months.
  • A FIP 12-36 months old that has never reported a Stage 4 or 5 result AND has not reported a Stage 3 activity within the past six months.

The ratings are currently derived by SFP from publicly available data on FIP websites, including FisheryProgress.org, and are determined using the following methodology: View PDF

C Some Recent Progress
Actions Complete

This pie chart represents completed environmental actions. Non-completed environmental actions may contain completed sub-tasks that are not illustrated here. For more information on environmental action progress visit the Actions Progress tab.

  • Complete
  • Incomplete
Next Update Due FisheryProgress requires a FIP to provide update reports every six months, and two missed reports will render the FIP inactive. If a report is overdue, this date will appear red.
Jan 2025
Target End Date
Jun 2028

FIP Leads

Organization Name 
ANABAC - Asociación Nacional de Armadores de Buques Atuneros Congeladores
Organization Type 
Primary Contact 
Nekane Alzorriz
FIP Identification Number The FIP Identification Number is automatically generated by FisheryProgress when a FIP profile is created. While the number itself is not meaningful, they are used by NGOs, academia, and industry to refer to FIPs in a consistent way.


The fishery being assessed is the Dongwon Industries Indian Ocean purse seine FAD fishery. The fishery targets bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus), skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis), and yellowfin (Thunnus albacares) with free-school (unassociated) and FAD-associated purse seine sets. The fleet of two purse seine vessels are flagged to the Republic of Korea. The fleet operates mainly in EEZs of the Seychelles, Mauritius and Madagascar and the Indian Ocean (IO) high seas. The fishery is managed regionally by the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC).

The following Units of Assessment (UoAs) were considered in this FIP:

  • Indian Ocean stocks of skipjack, bigeye and yellowfin, caught by purse seine in the Seychelles EEZ and managed by national management of the Seychelles and regionally by IOTC (three UoAs);
  • Indian Ocean stocks of skipjack, bigeye and yellowfin, caught by purse seine in the Mauritius EEZ and managed by national management of Mauritius and regionally by IOTC (three UoAs);
  • Indian Ocean stocks of skipjack, bigeye and yellowfin, caught by purse seine in the Indian Ocean high seas and managed by national management of the Republic of Korea and regionally by IOTC (three UoAs).  


The fishery being assessed is the Dongwon Industries Indian Ocean purse seine FAD fishery. The fishery targets bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus), skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis), and yellowfin (Thunnus albacares) with free-school (unassociated) and FAD-associated purse seine sets. The fleet of two purse seine vessels are flagged to the Republic of Korea. The fleet operates mainly in EEZs of the Seychelles, Mauritius and Madagascar and the Indian Ocean (IO) high seas. The fishery is managed regionally by the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC).

FIP at a Glance

View current status
March 01, 2021
29% 46% 25%
Progress Rating (A) Advanced Progress

Reserved for comprehensive FIPs that have achieved a Stage 4 or 5 result within the past 12 months.

(B) Good Progress

A basic FIP that has achieved a Stage 4 or 5 result within 12 months.

(C) Some Recent Progress
  • A FIP that has achieved a Stage 4 or 5 result in more than 12 (but less than 24) months AND has reported a Stage 3 activity within the past six months.
  • A FIP younger than 12 months that has never achieved a Stage 4 or 5 result but has reported a Stage 3 activity within the first 12 months.
(D) Some Past Progress
  • A FIP that has achieved a Stage 4 or 5 result in more than 12 (but less than 24) months BUT has not reported a Stage 3 activity within the past six months.
  • A FIP for which the most recent Stage 4 or 5 result is more than 24 (but less than 36) months old AND a Stage 3 activity has been reported within six months.
  • A FIP 12-36 months old that has never reported a Stage 4 or 5 result AND has reported a Stage 3 activity within the past six months.
(E) Negligible Progress
  • A FIP for which the most recent Stage 4 or 5 result is more than 24 (but less than 36) months old, with no Stage 3 activity reported in the last six months.
  • A FIP younger than 12 months with no Stage 3 activity reported within 12 months.
  • A FIP 12-36 months old that has never reported a Stage 4 or 5 result AND has not reported a Stage 3 activity within the past six months.

The ratings are currently derived by SFP from publicly available data on FIP websites, including FisheryProgress.org, and are determined using the following methodology: View PDF

A Advanced Progress
Actions Complete

This pie chart represents completed environmental actions. Non-completed environmental actions may contain completed sub-tasks that are not illustrated here. For more information on environmental action progress visit the Actions Progress tab.

  • Complete
  • Incomplete
Next Update Due FisheryProgress requires a FIP to provide update reports every six months, and two missed reports will render the FIP inactive. If a report is overdue, this date will appear red.
Mar 2025
Target End Date
Mar 2026

FIP Leads

Organization Name 
Key Traceability Ltd.
Organization Type 
Primary Contact 
Emily Wardrop
FIP Identification Number The FIP Identification Number is automatically generated by FisheryProgress when a FIP profile is created. While the number itself is not meaningful, they are used by NGOs, academia, and industry to refer to FIPs in a consistent way.


This FIP covers the Yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) and Skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis)  from High Seas Pocket 1 (HPS1) in the western central pacific ocean, caught by Philippine registered vessels with purse seine anchored FAD sets. 

This FIP covers the Yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) and Skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis)  from High Seas Pocket 1 (HPS1) in the western central pacific ocean, caught by Philippine registered vessels with purse seine anchored FAD sets. 

FIP at a Glance

View current status
July 01, 2021
25% 75%
Progress Rating (A) Advanced Progress

Reserved for comprehensive FIPs that have achieved a Stage 4 or 5 result within the past 12 months.

(B) Good Progress

A basic FIP that has achieved a Stage 4 or 5 result within 12 months.

(C) Some Recent Progress
  • A FIP that has achieved a Stage 4 or 5 result in more than 12 (but less than 24) months AND has reported a Stage 3 activity within the past six months.
  • A FIP younger than 12 months that has never achieved a Stage 4 or 5 result but has reported a Stage 3 activity within the first 12 months.
(D) Some Past Progress
  • A FIP that has achieved a Stage 4 or 5 result in more than 12 (but less than 24) months BUT has not reported a Stage 3 activity within the past six months.
  • A FIP for which the most recent Stage 4 or 5 result is more than 24 (but less than 36) months old AND a Stage 3 activity has been reported within six months.
  • A FIP 12-36 months old that has never reported a Stage 4 or 5 result AND has reported a Stage 3 activity within the past six months.
(E) Negligible Progress
  • A FIP for which the most recent Stage 4 or 5 result is more than 24 (but less than 36) months old, with no Stage 3 activity reported in the last six months.
  • A FIP younger than 12 months with no Stage 3 activity reported within 12 months.
  • A FIP 12-36 months old that has never reported a Stage 4 or 5 result AND has not reported a Stage 3 activity within the past six months.

The ratings are currently derived by SFP from publicly available data on FIP websites, including FisheryProgress.org, and are determined using the following methodology: View PDF

C Some Recent Progress
Actions Complete

This pie chart represents completed environmental actions. Non-completed environmental actions may contain completed sub-tasks that are not illustrated here. For more information on environmental action progress visit the Actions Progress tab.

  • Complete
  • Incomplete
Next Update Due FisheryProgress requires a FIP to provide update reports every six months, and two missed reports will render the FIP inactive. If a report is overdue, this date will appear red.
Jan 2025
Target End Date
Jul 2026

FIP Leads

Organization Name 
General Tuna Corporation
Organization Type 
Primary Contact 
Robert Manansala
FIP Identification Number The FIP Identification Number is automatically generated by FisheryProgress when a FIP profile is created. While the number itself is not meaningful, they are used by NGOs, academia, and industry to refer to FIPs in a consistent way.


This fishery was certified against the MSC Standard in 2016, and then voluntarily withdrew from the MSC process due to concerns about herring stock status. Industry stakeholders have continued working with Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) and others to address deficiencies identified in the MSC assessment. They aim to do so through a FIP framework until the fishery is deemed ready to re-enter the MSC certification process.

This fishery was certified against the MSC Standard in 2016, and then voluntarily withdrew from the MSC process due to concerns about herring stock status. Industry stakeholders have continued working with Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) and others to address deficiencies identified in the MSC assessment. They aim to do so through a FIP framework until the fishery is deemed ready to re-enter the MSC certification process.

FIP at a Glance

View current status
September 01, 2020
4% 4% 93%
Progress Rating (A) Advanced Progress

Reserved for comprehensive FIPs that have achieved a Stage 4 or 5 result within the past 12 months.

(B) Good Progress

A basic FIP that has achieved a Stage 4 or 5 result within 12 months.

(C) Some Recent Progress
  • A FIP that has achieved a Stage 4 or 5 result in more than 12 (but less than 24) months AND has reported a Stage 3 activity within the past six months.
  • A FIP younger than 12 months that has never achieved a Stage 4 or 5 result but has reported a Stage 3 activity within the first 12 months.
(D) Some Past Progress
  • A FIP that has achieved a Stage 4 or 5 result in more than 12 (but less than 24) months BUT has not reported a Stage 3 activity within the past six months.
  • A FIP for which the most recent Stage 4 or 5 result is more than 24 (but less than 36) months old AND a Stage 3 activity has been reported within six months.
  • A FIP 12-36 months old that has never reported a Stage 4 or 5 result AND has reported a Stage 3 activity within the past six months.
(E) Negligible Progress
  • A FIP for which the most recent Stage 4 or 5 result is more than 24 (but less than 36) months old, with no Stage 3 activity reported in the last six months.
  • A FIP younger than 12 months with no Stage 3 activity reported within 12 months.
  • A FIP 12-36 months old that has never reported a Stage 4 or 5 result AND has not reported a Stage 3 activity within the past six months.

The ratings are currently derived by SFP from publicly available data on FIP websites, including FisheryProgress.org, and are determined using the following methodology: View PDF

C Some Recent Progress
Actions Complete

This pie chart represents completed environmental actions. Non-completed environmental actions may contain completed sub-tasks that are not illustrated here. For more information on environmental action progress visit the Actions Progress tab.

  • Complete
  • Incomplete
Next Update Due FisheryProgress requires a FIP to provide update reports every six months, and two missed reports will render the FIP inactive. If a report is overdue, this date will appear red.
Mar 2025
Target End Date
Sep 2025

FIP Leads

Organization Name 
Connors Bros Marine Corp
Organization Type 
Primary Contact 
Matt Walsh
Organization Name 
Ocean Outcomes
Organization Type 
Primary Contact 
Jocelyn Drugan
FIP Identification Number The FIP Identification Number is automatically generated by FisheryProgress when a FIP profile is created. While the number itself is not meaningful, they are used by NGOs, academia, and industry to refer to FIPs in a consistent way.


What is a Completed FIP?

Completed FIPs are those that have independent verification that they have achieved their environmental objectives and/or graduated to MSC full assessment or other program assessment. Completed FIPs no longer report on their environmental performance but may choose to voluntarily report on their social performance.

Date of Completion: May 2022

Explanation of Completion: Part of the FIP's scope has moved into full assessment and was certified in 2022(see Completion link). The FIP vessels are also covered under the UoC for the following MSC certification which encompasses the full scope of this FIP — https://fisheries.msc.org/en/fisheries/tri-marine-western-and-central-pacific-skipjack-and-yellowfin-tuna/@@assessments (see Vessel List in the Public Certification Report).

Completion Link

The fishing fleet consists of six industrial purse seine fishing vessels operating in the Central Western Pacific Ocean varying in length from around 50m to 90m that are all company (CFC) owned. These vessels target Skipjack and yellowfin tuna. The RFMO is the Western Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC). Parties to the Nauru Agreement (PNA) is a sub-regional agreement on terms and conditions for tuna purse seine fishing licenses in the region. The PNA provides the basis to establish a limit on vessel days known as the VDS. The allocation is zonal with days allocated to each country in the Arrangement. The CFC fleet fish both in the EEZs (exclusive economic zones) of coastal states as well as the high seas. Some of the coastal states include Papua New Guinea, Kiribati, Federated States of Micronesia, Marshall Islands, Nauru, Palau, Solomon Islands, Tuvalu and Tokelau. The catches in each country vary significantly between years for any specific month depending on the migration patterns of the tuna. The majority of the fishing occurs by setting the purse seine around schools aggregating near naturally drifting or purpose-built Fish Aggregating Devices know as FADs. Although the CFC boats catch tuna from both free and associated schools during fishing trips, the majority of vessels use FADs. Searching for the FADs and fish schools and assessing their size and direction of movement is an important part of their fishing operation. The tuna are generally sold and transhipped onto carrier vessels for processing in Bangkok, in ports such as Pohnpei, FSM.

The fishing fleet consists of six industrial purse seine fishing vessels operating in the Central Western Pacific Ocean varying in length from around 50m to 90m that are all company (CFC) owned.

FIP at a Glance

View current status
July 01, 2020
4% 25% 71%
Progress Rating (A) Advanced Progress

Reserved for comprehensive FIPs that have achieved a Stage 4 or 5 result within the past 12 months.

(B) Good Progress

A basic FIP that has achieved a Stage 4 or 5 result within 12 months.

(C) Some Recent Progress
  • A FIP that has achieved a Stage 4 or 5 result in more than 12 (but less than 24) months AND has reported a Stage 3 activity within the past six months.
  • A FIP younger than 12 months that has never achieved a Stage 4 or 5 result but has reported a Stage 3 activity within the first 12 months.
(D) Some Past Progress
  • A FIP that has achieved a Stage 4 or 5 result in more than 12 (but less than 24) months BUT has not reported a Stage 3 activity within the past six months.
  • A FIP for which the most recent Stage 4 or 5 result is more than 24 (but less than 36) months old AND a Stage 3 activity has been reported within six months.
  • A FIP 12-36 months old that has never reported a Stage 4 or 5 result AND has reported a Stage 3 activity within the past six months.
(E) Negligible Progress
  • A FIP for which the most recent Stage 4 or 5 result is more than 24 (but less than 36) months old, with no Stage 3 activity reported in the last six months.
  • A FIP younger than 12 months with no Stage 3 activity reported within 12 months.
  • A FIP 12-36 months old that has never reported a Stage 4 or 5 result AND has not reported a Stage 3 activity within the past six months.

The ratings are currently derived by SFP from publicly available data on FIP websites, including FisheryProgress.org, and are determined using the following methodology: View PDF

Not yet available
Actions Complete

This pie chart represents completed environmental actions. Non-completed environmental actions may contain completed sub-tasks that are not illustrated here. For more information on environmental action progress visit the Actions Progress tab.

  • Complete
  • Incomplete
Next Update Due FisheryProgress requires a FIP to provide update reports every six months, and two missed reports will render the FIP inactive. If a report is overdue, this date will appear red.
May 2022
Target End Date
Aug 2024

FIP Leads

Organization Name 
Marine Economic Development
Organization Type 
Primary Contact 
Mark Soboil
+1 253 6709948
Organization Name 
Caroline Fisheries Corporation
Organization Type 
Primary Contact 
Marko Kamber
FIP Identification Number The FIP Identification Number is automatically generated by FisheryProgress when a FIP profile is created. While the number itself is not meaningful, they are used by NGOs, academia, and industry to refer to FIPs in a consistent way.


What is a Completed FIP?

Completed FIPs are those that have independent verification that they have achieved their environmental objectives and/or graduated to MSC full assessment or other program assessment. Completed FIPs no longer report on their environmental performance but may choose to voluntarily report on their social performance.

Date of Completion: May 2024

Explanation of Completion: Entered MSC assessment via a scope extension last year, in order to add the FAD and bigeye portion of the fishery to the original certification. Since then, they have also initiated the reassessment process for the whole fishery (as of March 2024).

Completion Link

The FIP is the Dongwon Industries Pacific Ocean tuna purse seine (FAD-associated sets) fishery targeting skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis), bigeye (Thunnus obesus) and yellowfin (T. albacares) tunas. The fishing vessels are flagged to the Republic of Korea, Kiribati and Tuvalu and operate in the western and central Pacific Ocean (WCPO) high seas and the following Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZs): PNA countries (Federated States of Micronesia, Palau, Marshall Islands, Kiribati, Nauru, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Tuvalu and Tokelau as a party to the Palau Arrangement) and the Cook Islands. The fishery is managed regionally by the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC).

The FIP considers the following Units of Assessment (9 in total):

  • Western and Central Pacific Ocean (WCPO) stocks of skipjack, bigeye and yellowfin, caught by purse seine on FAD associated sets and managed by national management of PNA countries and regionally by WCPFC (three UoAs).
  • Western and Central Pacific Ocean (WCPO) stocks of skipjack, bigeye and yellowfin, caught by purse seine on FAD associated sets and managed by Cook Islands national management and regionally by WCPFC (three UoAs).
  • Western and Central Pacific Ocean (WCPO) stocks of skipjack, bigeye and yellowfin, caught by purse seine on FAD associated sets on the high seas managed by national management of the Republic of Korea and regionally by WCPFC (three UoAs).


The FIP is the Dongwon Industries Pacific Ocean tuna purse seine (FAD-associated sets) fishery targeting skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis), bigeye (Thunnus obesus) and yellowfin (T. albacares) tunas.

FIP at a Glance

View current status
April 01, 2020
7% 36% 57%
Progress Rating (A) Advanced Progress

Reserved for comprehensive FIPs that have achieved a Stage 4 or 5 result within the past 12 months.

(B) Good Progress

A basic FIP that has achieved a Stage 4 or 5 result within 12 months.

(C) Some Recent Progress
  • A FIP that has achieved a Stage 4 or 5 result in more than 12 (but less than 24) months AND has reported a Stage 3 activity within the past six months.
  • A FIP younger than 12 months that has never achieved a Stage 4 or 5 result but has reported a Stage 3 activity within the first 12 months.
(D) Some Past Progress
  • A FIP that has achieved a Stage 4 or 5 result in more than 12 (but less than 24) months BUT has not reported a Stage 3 activity within the past six months.
  • A FIP for which the most recent Stage 4 or 5 result is more than 24 (but less than 36) months old AND a Stage 3 activity has been reported within six months.
  • A FIP 12-36 months old that has never reported a Stage 4 or 5 result AND has reported a Stage 3 activity within the past six months.
(E) Negligible Progress
  • A FIP for which the most recent Stage 4 or 5 result is more than 24 (but less than 36) months old, with no Stage 3 activity reported in the last six months.
  • A FIP younger than 12 months with no Stage 3 activity reported within 12 months.
  • A FIP 12-36 months old that has never reported a Stage 4 or 5 result AND has not reported a Stage 3 activity within the past six months.

The ratings are currently derived by SFP from publicly available data on FIP websites, including FisheryProgress.org, and are determined using the following methodology: View PDF

Not yet available
Actions Complete

This pie chart represents completed environmental actions. Non-completed environmental actions may contain completed sub-tasks that are not illustrated here. For more information on environmental action progress visit the Actions Progress tab.

  • Complete
  • Incomplete
Target End Date
Apr 2025

FIP Leads

Organization Name 
Key Traceability Ltd.
Organization Type 
Primary Contact 
Emily Wardrop
FIP Identification Number The FIP Identification Number is automatically generated by FisheryProgress when a FIP profile is created. While the number itself is not meaningful, they are used by NGOs, academia, and industry to refer to FIPs in a consistent way.


The fishery being assessed is the Capsen S.A. Atlantic Ocean purse seine tuna fishery. The fishery targets Atlantic bigeye (Thunnus obesus), eastern Atlantic skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis) and Atlantic yellowfin (T. albacares) tunas through free-school and FAD-associated purse seine sets. The fishing vessels are flagged to Senegal and operate in the following Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZs) and the high seas: Senegal, Mauritania, Cape Verde, Guinea Bissau, Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia. The fishery is managed regionally by the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) in the Atlantic Ocean.

The fishery being assessed is the Capsen S.A. Atlantic Ocean purse seine tuna fishery. The fishery targets Atlantic bigeye (Thunnus obesus), eastern Atlantic skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis) and Atlantic yellowfin (T. albacares) tunas through free-school and FAD-associated purse seine sets. The fishing vessels are flagged to Senegal and operate in the following Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZs) and the high seas: Senegal, Mauritania, Cape Verde, Guinea Bissau, Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia.

FIP at a Glance

View current status
April 01, 2020
39% 39% 21%
Progress Rating (A) Advanced Progress

Reserved for comprehensive FIPs that have achieved a Stage 4 or 5 result within the past 12 months.

(B) Good Progress

A basic FIP that has achieved a Stage 4 or 5 result within 12 months.

(C) Some Recent Progress
  • A FIP that has achieved a Stage 4 or 5 result in more than 12 (but less than 24) months AND has reported a Stage 3 activity within the past six months.
  • A FIP younger than 12 months that has never achieved a Stage 4 or 5 result but has reported a Stage 3 activity within the first 12 months.
(D) Some Past Progress
  • A FIP that has achieved a Stage 4 or 5 result in more than 12 (but less than 24) months BUT has not reported a Stage 3 activity within the past six months.
  • A FIP for which the most recent Stage 4 or 5 result is more than 24 (but less than 36) months old AND a Stage 3 activity has been reported within six months.
  • A FIP 12-36 months old that has never reported a Stage 4 or 5 result AND has reported a Stage 3 activity within the past six months.
(E) Negligible Progress
  • A FIP for which the most recent Stage 4 or 5 result is more than 24 (but less than 36) months old, with no Stage 3 activity reported in the last six months.
  • A FIP younger than 12 months with no Stage 3 activity reported within 12 months.
  • A FIP 12-36 months old that has never reported a Stage 4 or 5 result AND has not reported a Stage 3 activity within the past six months.

The ratings are currently derived by SFP from publicly available data on FIP websites, including FisheryProgress.org, and are determined using the following methodology: View PDF

A Advanced Progress
Actions Complete

This pie chart represents completed environmental actions. Non-completed environmental actions may contain completed sub-tasks that are not illustrated here. For more information on environmental action progress visit the Actions Progress tab.

  • Complete
  • Incomplete
Next Update Due FisheryProgress requires a FIP to provide update reports every six months, and two missed reports will render the FIP inactive. If a report is overdue, this date will appear red.
Apr 2025
Target End Date
Apr 2025

FIP Leads

Organization Name 
Key Traceability
Organization Type 
Primary Contact 
Emily Wardrop
Organization Name 
Grand Bleu
Organization Type 
Primary Contact 
Mohamadou S Wade
FIP Identification Number The FIP Identification Number is automatically generated by FisheryProgress when a FIP profile is created. While the number itself is not meaningful, they are used by NGOs, academia, and industry to refer to FIPs in a consistent way.


The FIP is the Kiribati purse seine tuna fishery (Kiribati Fish Ltd operated vessels). The fishery targets skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis), yellowfin (Thunnus albacares) and bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) through free-school and FAD-associated purse seine sets. The fleet of ten purse seine vessels are flagged to China and Nauru and operate mainly in the Kiribati EEZ, other Parties to the Nauru Agreement (PNA) countries’ EEZs and the high seas. The fishery is managed regionally by the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC).

The Units of Assessment (UoAs) are:

  • Western and Central Pacific Ocean (WCPO) stocks of skipjack, bigeye and yellowfin, caught by purse seine on FAD associated sets and managed by relevant national management (Kiribati) and regionally by WCPFC (three UoAs);
  • Western and Central Pacific Ocean (WCPO) stocks of skipjack, bigeye and yellowfin, caught by purse seine on non-associated sets (free-school) and managed by relevant national (Kiribati) management and regionally by WCPFC (three UoAs).

The FIP is the Kiribati purse seine tuna fishery (Kiribati Fish Ltd operated vessels). The fishery targets skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis), yellowfin (Thunnus albacares) and bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) through free-school and FAD-associated purse seine sets. The fleet of ten purse seine vessels are flagged to China and Nauru and operate mainly in the Kiribati EEZ, other Parties to the Nauru Agreement (PNA) countries’ EEZs and the high seas. The fishery is managed regionally by the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC).

FIP Leads

Organization Name 
Key Traceability Ltd.
Organization Type 
Primary Contact 
Charles Horsnell
Organization Name 
Kiribati Fish Limited
Organization Type 
Primary Contact 
Xue Jun Du
FIP Identification Number The FIP Identification Number is automatically generated by FisheryProgress when a FIP profile is created. While the number itself is not meaningful, they are used by NGOs, academia, and industry to refer to FIPs in a consistent way.


The US Pacific Tuna Group FIP covers the Eastern Tropical Pacific and Western Tropical Pacific tuna stocks for the three major species: skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis), yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) and bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) for a total of 6 Units of Certification. Gear type is Purse Seine and fishing method includes both FAD associated and unassociated sets.

The US Pacific Tuna Group consist of seven fishing vessel management companies and 13 large-scale tuna purse seine vessels (IATTC Class 6 – over 400 ton carrying capacity) and is partnered with the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) according to a signed MOU.

The US Pacific Tuna Group FIP covers the Eastern Tropical Pacific and Western Tropical Pacific tuna stocks for the three major species: skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis), yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) and bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) for a total of 6 Units of Certification.

FIP Leads

Organization Name 
US Pacific Tuna Group
Organization Type 
Primary Contact 
William M Sardinha
+1 619 236 1191
Organization Name 
US Pacific Tuna Group
Organization Type 
Primary Contact 
Cary Gann
FIP Identification Number The FIP Identification Number is automatically generated by FisheryProgress when a FIP profile is created. While the number itself is not meaningful, they are used by NGOs, academia, and industry to refer to FIPs in a consistent way.


The fishery being assessed is the Panama Purse Seine Tuna Fishery targeting bigeye (Thunnus obesus), skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis) and yellowfin (T. albacares) tuna. There are five purse seine vessels flagged to Nicaragua and Panama, fishing on the high seas in the Eastern Pacific Ocean (EPO) (and occasionally in national Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZs)). They are operated by Messinia G and are managed regionally by the IATTC. They fish both using Fish Aggregation Devices (FADs) and free school (non-FAD associated).

The fishery being assessed is the Panama Purse Seine Tuna Fishery targeting bigeye (Thunnus obesus), skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis) and yellowfin (T. albacares) tuna. There are five purse seine vessels flagged to Nicaragua and Panama, fishing on the high seas in the Eastern Pacific Ocean (EPO) (and occasionally in national Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZs)). They are operated by Messinia G and are managed regionally by the IATTC. They fish both using Fish Aggregation Devices (FADs) and free school (non-FAD associated).

FIP at a Glance

View current status
December 01, 2019
18% 36% 46%
Progress Rating (A) Advanced Progress

Reserved for comprehensive FIPs that have achieved a Stage 4 or 5 result within the past 12 months.

(B) Good Progress

A basic FIP that has achieved a Stage 4 or 5 result within 12 months.

(C) Some Recent Progress
  • A FIP that has achieved a Stage 4 or 5 result in more than 12 (but less than 24) months AND has reported a Stage 3 activity within the past six months.
  • A FIP younger than 12 months that has never achieved a Stage 4 or 5 result but has reported a Stage 3 activity within the first 12 months.
(D) Some Past Progress
  • A FIP that has achieved a Stage 4 or 5 result in more than 12 (but less than 24) months BUT has not reported a Stage 3 activity within the past six months.
  • A FIP for which the most recent Stage 4 or 5 result is more than 24 (but less than 36) months old AND a Stage 3 activity has been reported within six months.
  • A FIP 12-36 months old that has never reported a Stage 4 or 5 result AND has reported a Stage 3 activity within the past six months.
(E) Negligible Progress
  • A FIP for which the most recent Stage 4 or 5 result is more than 24 (but less than 36) months old, with no Stage 3 activity reported in the last six months.
  • A FIP younger than 12 months with no Stage 3 activity reported within 12 months.
  • A FIP 12-36 months old that has never reported a Stage 4 or 5 result AND has not reported a Stage 3 activity within the past six months.

The ratings are currently derived by SFP from publicly available data on FIP websites, including FisheryProgress.org, and are determined using the following methodology: View PDF

A Advanced Progress
Actions Complete

This pie chart represents completed environmental actions. Non-completed environmental actions may contain completed sub-tasks that are not illustrated here. For more information on environmental action progress visit the Actions Progress tab.

  • Complete
  • Incomplete
Next Update Due FisheryProgress requires a FIP to provide update reports every six months, and two missed reports will render the FIP inactive. If a report is overdue, this date will appear red.
Jul 2025
Target End Date
Jan 2027
Additional Impacts:

FIP Leads

Organization Name 
Key Traceability Ltd.
Organization Type 
Primary Contact 
Emily Wardrop
FIP Identification Number The FIP Identification Number is automatically generated by FisheryProgress when a FIP profile is created. While the number itself is not meaningful, they are used by NGOs, academia, and industry to refer to FIPs in a consistent way.


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