Note: This FIP went inactive on March 31, 2020.
Confremar LLC USA is hosting a fishery improvement project for Pacific swordfish landed in Peru by two Spanish flagged longline vessels. The product is frozen onboard. The goal of the FIP is to help the fishery achieve certification by the Marine Stewardship Council with stepwise program improvements launched by Confremar. Launched on August 21, 2017, the first actions in the FIP were for improved reporting of catch and effort reporting and support of conservation and management measures for incidental shark catches, beginning with support for a unified CMM. In the first quarter of 2018 the FIP focused on shark survival after release from the gear and return to the ocean. Then FIP priorities expanded in 2019 to include seabirds and turtles due to the adoption of two new conservation and management measures at the 15th regular WCPFC session (December 2018) for mitigating fishing impacts to seabirds (2018-03) and turtles (2018-04) as well as the failure to adopt a unified CMM for sharks. Implementation of the specific gear and other mitigative steps in 2018-03 and 2018-04 is a new priority for the FIP.
Note: This FIP went inactive on March 31, 2020.