What is a Completed FIP?
Completed FIPs are those that have independent verification that they have achieved their environmental objectives and/or graduated to MSC full assessment or other program assessment. Completed FIPs no longer report on their environmental performance but may choose to voluntarily report on their social performance.
Date of Completion: Jul 2019
Explanation of Completion: This FIP entered MSC full assessment in December 2018 and achieved certification in October 2019.
The Marshall Islands longline tuna FIP was launched in 2011. The Republic of the Marshall Islands' domestic pelagic longline fishery, which targets bigeye and yellowfin tunas and incidentally catches various additional market species, has about 38 active vessels participating in the fishery. The fishery operates entirely within the Marshall Islands EEZ. The project, designed to meet all elements of a comprehensive FIP as defined by the Conservation Alliance for Seafood Solutions, has an overarching aim of addressing all deficiencies identified in an MSC pre-assessment so that the fishery will pass an assessment against the MSC fisheries standard. The fishery will enter MSC full assessment in late 2018.
The Marshall Islands longline tuna FIP was launched in 2011. The Republic of the Marshall Islands' domestic pelagic longline fishery, which targets bigeye and yellowfin tunas and incidentally catches various additional market species, has about 38 active vessels participating in the fishery. The fishery operates entirely within the Marshall Islands EEZ.
FIP at a Glance
21% | 32% | 43% | 4% |
This pie chart represents completed environmental actions. Non-completed environmental actions may contain completed sub-tasks that are not illustrated here. For more information on environmental action progress visit the Actions Progress tab.
- Complete
- Incomplete