Area 87 (Pacific, Southeast)


The jumbo squid represents the second largest fishery in Peru and the most important for artisanal fishers. More than 11,000 fishers and over 3,000 fishing boats participate in the fishery, which lands around 500,000 tons of squid each year. It is a very selective fishery as all the squid are captured one by one using jigs. A critical issue that the fishery needs to improve on is national regulations related to the formalization of fishing, and given its highly migratory characteristics, an international approach must also be sought. It is expected that with the collaboration of all FIP participants, the fishery can progress towards a more sustainable state.

The jumbo squid (Dosidicus gigas) is one of the largest (up to 2.5 meters in length and 50 kg in maximum weight) and most abundant cephalopod species in the world. Three intraspecific groups of the giant or jumbo squid (Dosidicus gigas) have been identified in the Southeast Pacific based on maturity size (Nigmatullin et al. 2001). However, as no genetic differences have been found among the three proposed population subunits, they are still considered to constitute a single stock (Xu et al. 2017). Their abundance and distribution patterns are very sensitive to changes in environmental conditions and the abundance of their prey. In Peru, the resource is exploited almost exclusively by the artisanal fleet, which must have a fishing permit to operate in Peruvian waters. The fleet operates with jigs, a special type of vertical lines used mainly in squid fishing. Special hooks for squid fishing (ripped hooks) are mounted one after another at a certain distance with a monofilament line. The line, weighted by sinkers, can be placed up to 200 m deep and is pulled with abrupt movements ( Evaluation, monitoring, and management measures are not well defined and do not provide precise data to address sustainability issues.

The first 3-year audit for the Peruvian squid FIP was completed in June 2022. As a result of that audit, 10 scores of the MSC performance indicators were increased, and the FIP work plan was revised to reflect the updated actions and tasks that must be undertaken for the fishery to meet the MSC standard. With these revised actions, the projected completion date for the FIP was subsequently updated to December 2024.


Perfil de FIP en Español

The jumbo squid represents the second largest fishery in Peru and the most important for artisanal fishers. More than 11,000 fishers and over 3,000 fishing boats participate in the fishery, which lands around 500,000 tons of squid each year. It is a very selective fishery as all the squid are captured one by one using jigs. A critical issue that the fishery needs to improve on is national regulations related to the formalization of fishing, and given its highly migratory characteristics, an international approach must also be sought.

FIP at a Glance

View current status
February 01, 2018
57% 11% 32%
Progress Rating (A) Advanced Progress

Reserved for comprehensive FIPs that have achieved a Stage 4 or 5 result within the past 12 months.

(B) Good Progress

A basic FIP that has achieved a Stage 4 or 5 result within 12 months.

(C) Some Recent Progress
  • A FIP that has achieved a Stage 4 or 5 result in more than 12 (but less than 24) months AND has reported a Stage 3 activity within the past six months.
  • A FIP younger than 12 months that has never achieved a Stage 4 or 5 result but has reported a Stage 3 activity within the first 12 months.
(D) Some Past Progress
  • A FIP that has achieved a Stage 4 or 5 result in more than 12 (but less than 24) months BUT has not reported a Stage 3 activity within the past six months.
  • A FIP for which the most recent Stage 4 or 5 result is more than 24 (but less than 36) months old AND a Stage 3 activity has been reported within six months.
  • A FIP 12-36 months old that has never reported a Stage 4 or 5 result AND has reported a Stage 3 activity within the past six months.
(E) Negligible Progress
  • A FIP for which the most recent Stage 4 or 5 result is more than 24 (but less than 36) months old, with no Stage 3 activity reported in the last six months.
  • A FIP younger than 12 months with no Stage 3 activity reported within 12 months.
  • A FIP 12-36 months old that has never reported a Stage 4 or 5 result AND has not reported a Stage 3 activity within the past six months.

The ratings are currently derived by SFP from publicly available data on FIP websites, including, and are determined using the following methodology: View PDF

C Some Recent Progress
Actions Complete

This pie chart represents completed environmental actions. Non-completed environmental actions may contain completed sub-tasks that are not illustrated here. For more information on environmental action progress visit the Actions Progress tab.

  • Complete
  • Incomplete
Next Update Due FisheryProgress requires a FIP to provide update reports every six months, and two missed reports will render the FIP inactive. If a report is overdue, this date will appear red.
May 2025
Target End Date
Dec 2024
Additional Impacts:

FIP Leads

Organization Name 
Organization Type 
Primary Contact 
Wendy Goyert
Organization Name 
Cámara Peruana del Calamar Gigante (CAPECAL)
Organization Type 
Primary Contact 
Jorge Luis Antonio Talavera Rivero
Organization Name 
Organization Type 
Primary Contact 
Gilary Morales
941 577 753
FIP Identification Number The FIP Identification Number is automatically generated by FisheryProgress when a FIP profile is created. While the number itself is not meaningful, they are used by NGOs, academia, and industry to refer to FIPs in a consistent way.


Note: This FIP went inactive on March 31, 2020.

Confremar LLC USA is hosting a fishery improvement project for Pacific swordfish landed in Peru by two Spanish flagged longline vessels.  The product is frozen onboard.  The goal of the FIP is to help the fishery achieve certification by the Marine Stewardship Council with stepwise program improvements launched by Confremar.  Launched on August 21, 2017, the first actions in the FIP were for improved reporting of catch and effort reporting and support of conservation and management measures for incidental shark catches, beginning with support for a unified CMM.  In the first quarter of 2018 the FIP focused on shark survival after release from the gear and return to the ocean.  Then FIP priorities expanded in 2019 to include seabirds and turtles due to the adoption of two new conservation and management measures at the 15th regular WCPFC session (December 2018) for mitigating fishing impacts to seabirds (2018-03) and turtles (2018-04) as well as the failure to adopt a unified CMM for sharks.  Implementation of the specific gear and other mitigative steps in 2018-03 and 2018-04 is a new priority for the FIP.

Note: This FIP went inactive on March 31, 2020.

FIP Leads

Organization Name 
Organization Type 
Primary Contact 
Eddie Corvalan
FIP Identification Number The FIP Identification Number is automatically generated by FisheryProgress when a FIP profile is created. While the number itself is not meaningful, they are used by NGOs, academia, and industry to refer to FIPs in a consistent way.


What is a Completed FIP?

Completed FIPs are those that have independent verification that they have achieved their environmental objectives and/or graduated to MSC full assessment or other program assessment. Completed FIPs no longer report on their environmental performance but may choose to voluntarily report on their social performance.

Date of Completion: Jun 2024

Explanation of Completion: FIP achieved MSC certification.

Completion Link

The fishery being assessed is the Pacific Tuna Longline Fishery targeting albacore (Thunnus alalunga), bigeye (Thunnus obesus) and yellowfin (Thunnus albacares) tuna across all regions of the Pacific Ocean.

The Pacific Tuna Longline Fishery aims to meet the rising global demand for tuna in a sustainable manner by assuring catches do not exceed sustainable levels, promoting the ecosystem based approach to fisheries management and strengthening policy and governance systems in the region.

Pacific Tuna Longline Fishery goals:

  • Sustainable Fish Stocks – To ensure tuna and other primary species catches across the Pacific Ocean do not exceed sustainable levels
  • Minimising Environmental Impacts – To promote the ecosystem-based approach to fisheries management
  • Effective Management – To strengthen governance systems in the WCPFC, IATTC and Pacific Tuna Longline fishery.

The fishery being assessed is the Pacific Tuna Longline Fishery targeting albacore (Thunnus alalunga), bigeye (Thunnus obesus) and yellowfin (Thunnus albacares) tuna across all regions of the Pacific Ocean.

The Pacific Tuna Longline Fishery aims to meet the rising global demand for tuna in a sustainable manner by assuring catches do not exceed sustainable levels, promoting the ecosystem based approach to fisheries management and strengthening policy and governance systems in the region.

FIP at a Glance

View current status
December 01, 2017
18% 29% 54%
Progress Rating (A) Advanced Progress

Reserved for comprehensive FIPs that have achieved a Stage 4 or 5 result within the past 12 months.

(B) Good Progress

A basic FIP that has achieved a Stage 4 or 5 result within 12 months.

(C) Some Recent Progress
  • A FIP that has achieved a Stage 4 or 5 result in more than 12 (but less than 24) months AND has reported a Stage 3 activity within the past six months.
  • A FIP younger than 12 months that has never achieved a Stage 4 or 5 result but has reported a Stage 3 activity within the first 12 months.
(D) Some Past Progress
  • A FIP that has achieved a Stage 4 or 5 result in more than 12 (but less than 24) months BUT has not reported a Stage 3 activity within the past six months.
  • A FIP for which the most recent Stage 4 or 5 result is more than 24 (but less than 36) months old AND a Stage 3 activity has been reported within six months.
  • A FIP 12-36 months old that has never reported a Stage 4 or 5 result AND has reported a Stage 3 activity within the past six months.
(E) Negligible Progress
  • A FIP for which the most recent Stage 4 or 5 result is more than 24 (but less than 36) months old, with no Stage 3 activity reported in the last six months.
  • A FIP younger than 12 months with no Stage 3 activity reported within 12 months.
  • A FIP 12-36 months old that has never reported a Stage 4 or 5 result AND has not reported a Stage 3 activity within the past six months.

The ratings are currently derived by SFP from publicly available data on FIP websites, including, and are determined using the following methodology: View PDF

Not yet available
Actions Complete

This pie chart represents completed environmental actions. Non-completed environmental actions may contain completed sub-tasks that are not illustrated here. For more information on environmental action progress visit the Actions Progress tab.

  • Complete
  • Incomplete
Target End Date
Dec 2024
Additional Impacts:

FIP Leads

Organization Name 
Key Traceability Ltd.
Organization Type 
Primary Contact 
Tom Evans
+44 7505122728
FIP Identification Number The FIP Identification Number is automatically generated by FisheryProgress when a FIP profile is created. While the number itself is not meaningful, they are used by NGOs, academia, and industry to refer to FIPs in a consistent way.


What is a Completed FIP?

Completed FIPs are those that have independent verification that they have achieved their environmental objectives and/or graduated to MSC full assessment or other program assessment. Completed FIPs no longer report on their environmental performance but may choose to voluntarily report on their social performance.

Date of Completion: Oct 2020

Explanation of Completion: In the original scope of the FIP included three UoAs (BET, SKJ and YFT), however only the YFT entered full MSC assessment. A new FIP was launched to address SKJ and BET.

Completion Link

This profile was completed by achieving certification of 1 tuna species, only including yellowfin tuna, and a new profile will address the other two species.


Ecuadorian fishing firms created TUNACONS in July 2016 as a joint effort to promote a Fisheries Improvement Project (FIP) for purse-seine tuna fisheries. This effort will build a process to achieve Marine Stewardship Council Standard (MSC) certification. Meeting the MSC Standard is widely accepted in global markets with the acknowledgement that a certified fishery’s products come from a sustainable production model.

TUNACONS involves 58 Purse Seine vessels, that represent almost 20% of the fleet operating in the area. The FIP is managed by the Tuna Conservation Group (TUNACONS) together with WWF Ecuador and with the support of the Ecuadorian Ministry of aquaculture and fishing, National Fishery Institute, and EPESPO Fishery School of the EPO


  1. Drennec.
  2. Elizabeth F.
  3. El Márquez.
  4. Gabriela A.
  5. Gloria A.
  6. María del Mar A.
  7. Milagros A.
  8. Milena A.
  9. Rafa A ..
  10. Ricky A.
  11. Roberto A.
  12. Rosa F.
  13. Via Simoun.
  1. Reina De La Paz
  2. Diva Maria.
  3. Ljubica.
  4. Juan Pablo II
  1. Rocio – Pesquera Rocio SA
  2. Doña Roge – Pesquera Doña Roge SA
  3. Doña Maruja – Pesquera DoñaMaruja SA
  4. Don Bartolo – Pesquera Don Bartolo SA
  5. Don Igilio– ELVAYKA.
  6. Chiara – ELVAYKA.
  7. Giuletta – ELVAYKA.
  8. Jo Linda – ELVAYKA.
  9. Don Antonio – ELVAYKA
  10. Alina – Transmarina.
  11. Alessia – ELVAYKA.
  12. Adriana – Eurofish.
  13. Miranda – Transmarina.
  1. Claudia L.
  2. Domenica L.
  3. Fiorella L.
  4. Malula.
  5. Rossana L.
  6. Panchito L.
  7. Yolanda L.
  1. Cape Breton.
  2. Cape Cod.
  3. Cape Elizabeth III.
  4. Cape Ferrat.
  5. Cape Finisterre.
  6. Cape May.
  7. Ferrigno Boy
  8. Cape Blanco
  9. Barbara H.

New Members :

  • Marbelize S.A. – PESDEL S.A.
  1. Betty Elizabeth
  2. Fortica
  3. Lizi
  4. Martina C.
  5. Milenka C.
  6. Yelisava
  2. CAP. TINO B.
  3. CAP. DANNY B.
  6. CAP. BERNY B.
  1. Antonio H.
  2. Doña Tula

This profile was completed by achieving certification of 1 tuna species, only including yellowfin tuna, and a new profile will address the other two species.


FIP at a Glance

View current status
July 01, 2016
7% 43% 50%
Progress Rating (A) Advanced Progress

Reserved for comprehensive FIPs that have achieved a Stage 4 or 5 result within the past 12 months.

(B) Good Progress

A basic FIP that has achieved a Stage 4 or 5 result within 12 months.

(C) Some Recent Progress
  • A FIP that has achieved a Stage 4 or 5 result in more than 12 (but less than 24) months AND has reported a Stage 3 activity within the past six months.
  • A FIP younger than 12 months that has never achieved a Stage 4 or 5 result but has reported a Stage 3 activity within the first 12 months.
(D) Some Past Progress
  • A FIP that has achieved a Stage 4 or 5 result in more than 12 (but less than 24) months BUT has not reported a Stage 3 activity within the past six months.
  • A FIP for which the most recent Stage 4 or 5 result is more than 24 (but less than 36) months old AND a Stage 3 activity has been reported within six months.
  • A FIP 12-36 months old that has never reported a Stage 4 or 5 result AND has reported a Stage 3 activity within the past six months.
(E) Negligible Progress
  • A FIP for which the most recent Stage 4 or 5 result is more than 24 (but less than 36) months old, with no Stage 3 activity reported in the last six months.
  • A FIP younger than 12 months with no Stage 3 activity reported within 12 months.
  • A FIP 12-36 months old that has never reported a Stage 4 or 5 result AND has not reported a Stage 3 activity within the past six months.

The ratings are currently derived by SFP from publicly available data on FIP websites, including, and are determined using the following methodology: View PDF

Not yet available
Actions Complete

This pie chart represents completed environmental actions. Non-completed environmental actions may contain completed sub-tasks that are not illustrated here. For more information on environmental action progress visit the Actions Progress tab.

  • Complete
  • Incomplete
Target End Date
Oct 2020

FIP Leads

Organization Name 
TUNACONS - Tuna Conservation Group
Organization Type 
Primary Contact 
Ing. Guillermo Morán V.
FIP Identification Number The FIP Identification Number is automatically generated by FisheryProgress when a FIP profile is created. While the number itself is not meaningful, they are used by NGOs, academia, and industry to refer to FIPs in a consistent way.


The Peruvian hake (Merluccius gayi peruanus) FIP is being implemented by 11 companies in the Peruvian fishing sector, with CeDePesca’s technical support.  This FIP addresses the bottom-trawl industrial fishery that operates off of northern Peru. 

The port of Paita accounts for almost all Peruvian landings, giving this fishery considerable socio-economic importance for that community. There is also an artisanal hake fishery in Peru (operating mainly with gillnets) that represents around 20% of total landings in recent years.  On the other hand, part of the stock straddles between Peruvian and Ecuadorian waters, and it should be noted that Ecuador initiated a trawling fishery for hake in 2013, although its landings are currently not significant in comparison with Peruvian landings.

The Peruvian hake (Merluccius gayi peruanus) FIP is being implemented by 11 companies in the Peruvian fishing sector, with CeDePesca’s technical support.  This FIP addresses the bottom-trawl industrial fishery that operates off of northern Peru. 

FIP Leads

Organization Name 
Organization Type 
Primary Contact 
Carmen Guerrero
FIP Identification Number The FIP Identification Number is automatically generated by FisheryProgress when a FIP profile is created. While the number itself is not meaningful, they are used by NGOs, academia, and industry to refer to FIPs in a consistent way.


Among the coastal pelagic species of the Northern Humboldt Current System (NHCS), Peruvian anchovy (Engraulis ringens) is predominant and it supports one of the most important single species fisheries worldwide. Peruvian anchovy landings by the industrial sector are used for indirect human consumption.  The NHCS is an important sector of one of the most productive world marine ecosystems: the Humboldt Current Large Marine Ecosystem.  The Humboldt Current extends along the coasts of Chile and Peru; the NHCS corresponds to Peru.

In 1955, the first management measures for the Peruvian anchovy fishery were implemented, when a minimum catch size of 12 cm and a minimum mesh size were established.  In the 1970s, new measures were drafted related to catch control by means of establishing annual global fishing quotas.

There are three fishing fleets targeting the Northern-Central stock of Peruvian anchovy: there is an artisanal fishing fleet of vessels of less than 10 m3 GRT; a small-scale fishing fleet of vessels of more than 10 m3 GRT and less than 32.6 m3 GRT; and an industrial fishing fleet of vessels larger than 32.6 m3.  Only industrial landings are to be used to produce fishmeal.  

Currently, the most important fishery management measures are:

  • Total allowable catches
  • Maximum Allowable Catch per Vessel (industrial fleet)
  • Minimum catch size of 12 cm
  • Minimum mesh size 13 mm – ½”
  • Regulation of the fishing capacity or effort of fishing vessels
  • Time and space closures for the protection of juveniles and the reproductive process
  • Exclusion zone for industrial fishing up to 5 marine miles from the coast
  • Establishing a maximum percentage of bycatch of other species, maximum 5% of the catch.
  • Establishing a Surveillance and Control Program of Marine Fishing and Landing, as well as Satellite Follow Up.

Regarding research, the Peruvian fishery research institute (Instituto del Mar del Perú, IMARPE) dedicates significant financial and human resources to the follow-up and research of this fishery. It benefits from a large data flow, both regarding the Peruvian anchovy stock as well as the group of variables and impacts related to it.  Also, during the last fifty years, industrial vessels have participated from activities related to fishing data collection.

At the start of this FIP, the main issues regarding the sustainability of the fishery were:

  1. It is necessary to demonstrate that the fishery complies with the requirement of attending the needs of the ecosystem.
  2. It is required that harvest control rules in a low biomass scenario are more explicit, as well as the management objectives related to the ecosystem.
  3. It is necessary to address unreported fishing and illegal vessels, which represent a potential danger for the sustainability of the fishery.
  4. It is necessary to achieve a better understanding of the direct impacts of the Unit of Assessment on ETP species and habitats.

Perfil de FIP en Español

Among the coastal pelagic species of the Northern Humboldt Current System (NHCS), Peruvian anchovy (Engraulis ringens) is predominant and it supports one of the most important single species fisheries worldwide. Peruvian anchovy landings by the industrial sector are used for indirect human consumption.  The NHCS is an important sector of one of the most productive world marine ecosystems: the Humboldt Current Large Marine Ecosystem.  The Humboldt Current extends along the coasts of Chile and Peru; the NHCS corresponds to Peru.

FIP at a Glance

View current status
January 01, 2017
4% 39% 57%
Progress Rating (A) Advanced Progress

Reserved for comprehensive FIPs that have achieved a Stage 4 or 5 result within the past 12 months.

(B) Good Progress

A basic FIP that has achieved a Stage 4 or 5 result within 12 months.

(C) Some Recent Progress
  • A FIP that has achieved a Stage 4 or 5 result in more than 12 (but less than 24) months AND has reported a Stage 3 activity within the past six months.
  • A FIP younger than 12 months that has never achieved a Stage 4 or 5 result but has reported a Stage 3 activity within the first 12 months.
(D) Some Past Progress
  • A FIP that has achieved a Stage 4 or 5 result in more than 12 (but less than 24) months BUT has not reported a Stage 3 activity within the past six months.
  • A FIP for which the most recent Stage 4 or 5 result is more than 24 (but less than 36) months old AND a Stage 3 activity has been reported within six months.
  • A FIP 12-36 months old that has never reported a Stage 4 or 5 result AND has reported a Stage 3 activity within the past six months.
(E) Negligible Progress
  • A FIP for which the most recent Stage 4 or 5 result is more than 24 (but less than 36) months old, with no Stage 3 activity reported in the last six months.
  • A FIP younger than 12 months with no Stage 3 activity reported within 12 months.
  • A FIP 12-36 months old that has never reported a Stage 4 or 5 result AND has not reported a Stage 3 activity within the past six months.

The ratings are currently derived by SFP from publicly available data on FIP websites, including, and are determined using the following methodology: View PDF

A Advanced Progress
Actions Complete

This pie chart represents completed environmental actions. Non-completed environmental actions may contain completed sub-tasks that are not illustrated here. For more information on environmental action progress visit the Actions Progress tab.

  • Complete
  • Incomplete
Next Update Due FisheryProgress requires a FIP to provide update reports every six months, and two missed reports will render the FIP inactive. If a report is overdue, this date will appear red.
Dec 2024
Target End Date
Dec 2024
Additional Impacts:

FIP Leads

Organization Name 
Organization Type 
Primary Contact 
Carmen Guerrero
Organization Name 
Sociedad Nacional de Pesquería
Organization Type 
Primary Contact 
Jorge Risi
FIP Identification Number The FIP Identification Number is automatically generated by FisheryProgress when a FIP profile is created. While the number itself is not meaningful, they are used by NGOs, academia, and industry to refer to FIPs in a consistent way.


Currently, Compañía Americana de Conservas and Corporacion Leribe  are supplied by the Direct Human Consumption (CHD) fishery in the areas of Chimbote and Sechura. In collaboration with CeDePesca, both stakeholders have committed to achieving certification of the fishery under the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) standard. Previously, between 2018 and 2023, iPrisco was also part of this effort, but it no longer continues as a partner.

Peruvian anchovy (Engraulis ringens) landings from the artisanal and small-scale fleets in Peru are used for Direct Human Consumption (DHC).  

Among the coastal pelagic species of the Northern Humboldt Current System (NHCS), Peruvian anchovy is predominant and it supports one of the most important single species fisheries worldwide.  The NHCS is an important sector of one of the most productive world marine ecosystems: the Humboldt Current Large Marine Ecosystem.

The three fishing fleets targeting the Northern-Central stock of Peruvian anchovy are:  an artisanal fishing fleet of vessels of less than 10 cubic meters GRT; a small-scale fishing fleet of vessels of more than 10 cubic meters GRT but less than 32.6 cubic meters GRT; and an industrial fishing fleet of vessels larger than 32.6 cubic meters GRT.  This FIP addresses the artisanal and small-scale fishery associated to the Direct Human Consumption sector.

At the beginning of this FIP in 2017, the main issues regarding the sustainability of the small-scale fishery were:

  • There is little knowledge of the impacts the Chimbote and the Sechura small-scale fleets have over other ecosystem components, such as bycatch species and endangered, threatened and protected (ETP) species.
  • Catch limits for the small-scale fleet need to be reinforced and landing and transportation controls need to be strengthened.
  • Transparency of science should continue to increase, so that information on the stock status in relation to its ecosystem reference points are readily available to the public.

Perfil de FIP en Español

Currently, Compañía Americana de Conservas and Corporacion Leribe  are supplied by the Direct Human Consumption (CHD) fishery in the areas of Chimbote and Sechura. In collaboration with CeDePesca, both stakeholders have committed to achieving certification of the fishery under the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) standard. Previously, between 2018 and 2023, iPrisco was also part of this effort, but it no longer continues as a partner.

FIP at a Glance

View current status
January 01, 2017
39% 36% 25%
Progress Rating (A) Advanced Progress

Reserved for comprehensive FIPs that have achieved a Stage 4 or 5 result within the past 12 months.

(B) Good Progress

A basic FIP that has achieved a Stage 4 or 5 result within 12 months.

(C) Some Recent Progress
  • A FIP that has achieved a Stage 4 or 5 result in more than 12 (but less than 24) months AND has reported a Stage 3 activity within the past six months.
  • A FIP younger than 12 months that has never achieved a Stage 4 or 5 result but has reported a Stage 3 activity within the first 12 months.
(D) Some Past Progress
  • A FIP that has achieved a Stage 4 or 5 result in more than 12 (but less than 24) months BUT has not reported a Stage 3 activity within the past six months.
  • A FIP for which the most recent Stage 4 or 5 result is more than 24 (but less than 36) months old AND a Stage 3 activity has been reported within six months.
  • A FIP 12-36 months old that has never reported a Stage 4 or 5 result AND has reported a Stage 3 activity within the past six months.
(E) Negligible Progress
  • A FIP for which the most recent Stage 4 or 5 result is more than 24 (but less than 36) months old, with no Stage 3 activity reported in the last six months.
  • A FIP younger than 12 months with no Stage 3 activity reported within 12 months.
  • A FIP 12-36 months old that has never reported a Stage 4 or 5 result AND has not reported a Stage 3 activity within the past six months.

The ratings are currently derived by SFP from publicly available data on FIP websites, including, and are determined using the following methodology: View PDF

Not yet available
Actions Complete

This pie chart represents completed environmental actions. Non-completed environmental actions may contain completed sub-tasks that are not illustrated here. For more information on environmental action progress visit the Actions Progress tab.

  • Complete
  • Incomplete
Next Update Due FisheryProgress requires a FIP to provide update reports every six months, and two missed reports will render the FIP inactive. If a report is overdue, this date will appear red.
Aug 2025
Target End Date
Sep 2025
Additional Impacts:

FIP Leads

Organization Name 
Organization Type 
Primary Contact 
Brigitte Alcántara
FIP Identification Number The FIP Identification Number is automatically generated by FisheryProgress when a FIP profile is created. While the number itself is not meaningful, they are used by NGOs, academia, and industry to refer to FIPs in a consistent way.


What is a Completed FIP?

Completed FIPs are those that have independent verification that they have achieved their environmental objectives and/or graduated to MSC full assessment or other program assessment. Completed FIPs no longer report on their environmental performance but may choose to voluntarily report on their social performance.

Date of Completion: Aug 2020

Explanation of Completion: This fishery has been recently assessed against the MSC Fisheries Standard – it resulted in the certification of the yellowfin tuna stock, which was one of the three Units of Assessment (for more information on this process, kindly check the Completion Link below). Since the other two UoAs (skipjack and bigeye tuna) were not certified, a new FIP was launched to work towards achieving the MSC requirements that were not met during the full assessment.

Completion Link

This profile was completed by achieving certification of 1 tuna species, only including yellowfin tuna, and a new profile was created to address continued improvement for skipjack and bigeye tuna: Eastern Pacific Ocean skipjack and bigeye tuna - purse seine (AGAC).


This FIP encompasses all global tropical tuna stocks of three species: bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus), skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis) and yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) for a total of 13 Units of Certification. In the case of this specific sub-FIP for the Eastern Pacific Ocean, we deal with three stocks of tunas - one each for skipjack, bigeye tuna, and yellowfin tuna.

Because of the set-up of FisheryProgress, the overarching FIP was broken into four sub-FIPs according to the relevant RFMO (IATTC, ICCAT, IOTC, and WCPFC). The reasoning behind this division is that each RFMO has different scores and actions for the various MSC principles, in particular for Principles 1 & 3. Had we grouped all RFMOs together, we would not have been able to present or track the various activities and timelines in a cohesive, clear and comprehensive manner.


Perfil de FIP en Español

This profile was completed by achieving certification of 1 tuna species, only including yellowfin tuna, and a new profile was created to address continued improvement for skipjack and bigeye tuna: Eastern Pacific Ocean skipjack and bigeye tuna - purse seine (AGAC).


FIP at a Glance

View current status
October 01, 2016
11% 50% 39%
Progress Rating (A) Advanced Progress

Reserved for comprehensive FIPs that have achieved a Stage 4 or 5 result within the past 12 months.

(B) Good Progress

A basic FIP that has achieved a Stage 4 or 5 result within 12 months.

(C) Some Recent Progress
  • A FIP that has achieved a Stage 4 or 5 result in more than 12 (but less than 24) months AND has reported a Stage 3 activity within the past six months.
  • A FIP younger than 12 months that has never achieved a Stage 4 or 5 result but has reported a Stage 3 activity within the first 12 months.
(D) Some Past Progress
  • A FIP that has achieved a Stage 4 or 5 result in more than 12 (but less than 24) months BUT has not reported a Stage 3 activity within the past six months.
  • A FIP for which the most recent Stage 4 or 5 result is more than 24 (but less than 36) months old AND a Stage 3 activity has been reported within six months.
  • A FIP 12-36 months old that has never reported a Stage 4 or 5 result AND has reported a Stage 3 activity within the past six months.
(E) Negligible Progress
  • A FIP for which the most recent Stage 4 or 5 result is more than 24 (but less than 36) months old, with no Stage 3 activity reported in the last six months.
  • A FIP younger than 12 months with no Stage 3 activity reported within 12 months.
  • A FIP 12-36 months old that has never reported a Stage 4 or 5 result AND has not reported a Stage 3 activity within the past six months.

The ratings are currently derived by SFP from publicly available data on FIP websites, including, and are determined using the following methodology: View PDF

Not yet available
Actions Complete

This pie chart represents completed environmental actions. Non-completed environmental actions may contain completed sub-tasks that are not illustrated here. For more information on environmental action progress visit the Actions Progress tab.

  • Complete
  • Incomplete
Target End Date
Sep 2021
Additional Impacts:

FIP Leads

Organization Name 
Organization Type 
Primary Contact 
Dr Julio Morón
+34 91 431 48 57
Organization Name 
Organization Type 
Primary Contact 
Raul Garcia Rodriguez
FIP Identification Number The FIP Identification Number is automatically generated by FisheryProgress when a FIP profile is created. While the number itself is not meaningful, they are used by NGOs, academia, and industry to refer to FIPs in a consistent way.


Note: This FIP went inactive on February 1, 2019.

Mahi-mahi is a favorite for consumers due to its firm texture and mild taste.  This FIP is an investment in the artisanal longline fishery in Peru, which fishes the offshore population stock in the southeastern Pacific Ocean.  Mahi-mahi (Coryphaena hippurus, also known as Dorado and Perico) is a migratory and rapidly reproducing fish species found throughout the warmer waters of the world's oceans and around the 23°C isotherm in waters.  The stock is managed by the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (IATTC) and the Peru fleet is governed by federal fishery rules, which includes a minimum landing size.  Using the MSC standard as a guide, the FIP will encourage robust catch reporting and more sustainable fishing practices.

Note: This FIP went inactive on February 1, 2019.

FIP Leads

Organization Name 
Confremar Group
Organization Type 
Primary Contact 
Eddie Corvalan
Organization Name 
Sustainability Incubator
Organization Type 
Primary Contact 
Katrina Nakamura
Organization Name 
Pier Fish
Organization Type 
Primary Contact 
Scott Bode
FIP Identification Number The FIP Identification Number is automatically generated by FisheryProgress when a FIP profile is created. While the number itself is not meaningful, they are used by NGOs, academia, and industry to refer to FIPs in a consistent way.


The Peruvian mahi-mahi fishery includes over 10,000 fishermen and is one of the country’s most important artisanal fisheries. Worldwide, Peru is known as the leading international mahi-mahi producer. A critical issue challenging this fishery is the lack of effective national and international management needed to address the highly migratory nature of mahi-mahi. The fishery also needs additional data on how fishing interacts with other species including endangered sea turtles and sharks. The active involvement of FIP stakeholders, such as IMARPE (Peruvian Institute of the Sea), and FIP Participants drives improvements against the Marine Stewardship Council standard.

The Peruvian mahi-mahi fishery includes over 10,000 fishermen and is one of the country’s most important artisanal fisheries. Worldwide, Peru is known as the leading international mahi-mahi producer. A critical issue challenging this fishery is the lack of effective national and international management needed to address the highly migratory nature of mahi-mahi. The fishery also needs additional data on how fishing interacts with other species including endangered sea turtles and sharks.

FIP at a Glance

View current status
November 01, 2013
39% 32% 25% 4%
Progress Rating (A) Advanced Progress

Reserved for comprehensive FIPs that have achieved a Stage 4 or 5 result within the past 12 months.

(B) Good Progress

A basic FIP that has achieved a Stage 4 or 5 result within 12 months.

(C) Some Recent Progress
  • A FIP that has achieved a Stage 4 or 5 result in more than 12 (but less than 24) months AND has reported a Stage 3 activity within the past six months.
  • A FIP younger than 12 months that has never achieved a Stage 4 or 5 result but has reported a Stage 3 activity within the first 12 months.
(D) Some Past Progress
  • A FIP that has achieved a Stage 4 or 5 result in more than 12 (but less than 24) months BUT has not reported a Stage 3 activity within the past six months.
  • A FIP for which the most recent Stage 4 or 5 result is more than 24 (but less than 36) months old AND a Stage 3 activity has been reported within six months.
  • A FIP 12-36 months old that has never reported a Stage 4 or 5 result AND has reported a Stage 3 activity within the past six months.
(E) Negligible Progress
  • A FIP for which the most recent Stage 4 or 5 result is more than 24 (but less than 36) months old, with no Stage 3 activity reported in the last six months.
  • A FIP younger than 12 months with no Stage 3 activity reported within 12 months.
  • A FIP 12-36 months old that has never reported a Stage 4 or 5 result AND has not reported a Stage 3 activity within the past six months.

The ratings are currently derived by SFP from publicly available data on FIP websites, including, and are determined using the following methodology: View PDF

C Some Recent Progress
Actions Complete

This pie chart represents completed environmental actions. Non-completed environmental actions may contain completed sub-tasks that are not illustrated here. For more information on environmental action progress visit the Actions Progress tab.

  • Complete
  • Incomplete
Next Update Due FisheryProgress requires a FIP to provide update reports every six months, and two missed reports will render the FIP inactive. If a report is overdue, this date will appear red.
Mar 2025
Target End Date
Dec 2027
Additional Impacts:

FIP Leads

Organization Name 
Organization Type 
Primary Contact 
Wendy Goyert
Organization Name 
WWF Peru
Organization Type 
Primary Contact 
Gilary Morales Tejeda
Organization Name 
Peru Mahi Alliance
Organization Type 
Primary Contact 
Francisco Vía
FIP Identification Number The FIP Identification Number is automatically generated by FisheryProgress when a FIP profile is created. While the number itself is not meaningful, they are used by NGOs, academia, and industry to refer to FIPs in a consistent way.


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