Social Responsibility Early Adopters

FIPs that have signed up as early adopters have committed to fulfilling some or all of the relevant requirements of the FisheryProgress Human Rights and Social Responsibility Policy in advance of the deadlines detailed in the policy. Early adopters are at different stages of implementation of the policy, depending on when they signed up and whether or not their FIP already included a social focus.

In addition to the early adopters, with the first requirements of the policy in effect since November 2021, many other FIPs have begun to report on their social performance. The comprehensive list of FIPs that have met one or more of the human rights and social responsibility requirements can be found here.

Requirements that have been completed by a FIP are indicated by an 'X' in the corresponding column.

FIP Name Policy Statement Self-Evaluation of Risk Criteria Vessel or Fisher Information Fisher Awareness of Rights Grievance Mechanism Risk Assessment Social Workplan
Indian Ocean tuna and large pelagics - longline (Afritex) X X X X X    
Indonesia North Sumatra squid -handline X X X           X      
Mexico El-Rosario finfish - trap/handline X X X        
Mexico Sinaloa artisanal blue shrimp - drift/cast nets X X X        
Mexico Guaymas finfish - handline X X X        
Indonesia Central Java white prawn - trammel net and trap X X X        
Atlantic Ocean tropical tuna - purse seine (OPAGAC) X X          
Brazil red and green lobster - trap   X X        
Canada Northern cod (2J3KL) - handline/gillnet/longline   X     X    
Eastern Pacific Ocean tropical tuna - purse seine (OPAGAC) X X          
Indian Ocean tropical tuna - purse seine (OPAGAC) X X          
Mexico Bahia de Los Angeles octopus - trap/diver-caught/hand gathered X X          
Mexico Baja California red rock lobster - trap X X          
Mexico Baja California red sea urchin - diver-caught X X          
Mexico Gulf of California grouper, snapper, triggerfish & yellowtail - hook & line X X          
Mexico Gulf of California Sinaloa chocolate clam - diving & hand gathered X X          
Mexico Marismas Nacionales white snook - hook & line/gillnet X X          
Mexico North Pacific barred sand bass - pot/trap X X          
Mexico Puerto Peñasco & Puerto Lobos swimming crab - pot/trap X X          
Peru anchovy - industrial purse-seine   X X        
Peru anchovy - small scale purse - seine   X X        
Sri Lanka blue swimming crab - bottom gillnet X X          
Western and Central Pacific Ocean skipjack & yellowfin tuna - purse seine (CFC) X X          
Western and Central Pacific Ocean tropical tuna - purse seine (OPAGAC) X X          
Indonesia Indian Ocean skipjack tuna - pole & line   X          
Indonesia Indian Ocean yellowfin tuna – handline   X          
Indonesia Indian Ocean yellowfin tuna - pole & line   X          
Indonesia Western and Central Pacific Ocean skipjack tuna - pole & line   X          
Indonesia Western and Central Pacific Ocean yellowfin tuna - handline (AP2HI, IPNLF, MDPI)   X          
Indonesia Western and Central Pacific Ocean yellowfin tuna - pole & line   X          
Mexico Yucatan octopus - drift rod and line   X          
Southwest Madagascar octopus - diving & gleaning   X          


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