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Inactive FIP Directory
Reason for Inactivity
- Any -
Missed two consecutive reports
Three years without environmental progress
Three years without social progress
Missed deadline for three year audit report
Merged with another FIP
Failed to meet social responsibility policy
Lack of funding
Lack of stakeholder support
At FIP's request
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FIP Name
Reason for Inactivity
Explanation (Other)
INACTIVE Adriatic Sea European sardine - purse seine
Missed two consecutive reports
INACTIVE Atlantic Ocean tuna - longline (StarKist)
At FIP's request
INACTIVE Barents Sea king crab - pot/trap (Keyport LLC)
Missed two consecutive reports
INACTIVE Barents Sea snow crab - pot/trap (Odyssey Enterprises)
Missed two consecutive reports
INACTIVE Brazil South Atlantic swordfish - longline
At FIP's request
INACTIVE Canada American plaice (3LNO) - trawl
Three years without environmental progress
INACTIVE Canada Lake Erie rainbow smelt - trawl
The Lake Erie Rainbow Smelt fishery is voluntarily inactivating its FIP until the MSC has completed its review of forage related sections in the Fisheries Standard.
INACTIVE Canada redfish (Unit 3) - trawl
At FIP's request
INACTIVE Chile Patagonian red octopus - hookah
Failed to meet social responsibility policy
INACTIVE Chile stone crab - trap
Missed deadline for three year audit report
INACTIVE Chilean hake - bottom trawl
Missed deadline for three year audit report
Failed to meet social responsibility policy
INACTIVE China crayfish - pot/trap
Missed deadline for three year audit report
INACTIVE East China Sea and Yellow Sea Japanese flying squid - trawl
At FIP's request
Major changes in the nature of the fishery have led to the need for re-assessing the scope of improvements and work plan actions.
INACTIVE Eastern Atlantic tuna – purse seine (French fleet)
At FIP's request
INACTIVE Eastern Pacific large pelagics - longline (Martec)
Missed two consecutive reports
INACTIVE Eastern Pacific Ocean skipjack and bigeye tuna - purse seine (AGAC)
At FIP's request
INACTIVE Eastern Pacific Ocean tuna - longline (Transmarina)
At FIP's request
The vessels that were part of this FIP are no longer dedicated to tuna and instead are targeting only swordfish.
INACTIVE Gambia sole - bottom set gillnet
Missed two consecutive reports
INACTIVE Hawaii bigeye tuna and swordfish – longline
Missed two consecutive reports
INACTIVE India Palk Bay flower shrimp - trawl
Missed two consecutive reports
INACTIVE India threadfin bream - trawl
Missed two consecutive reports
INACTIVE Indian Ocean yellowfin & bigeye tuna – purse seine (AGAC)
Failed to meet social responsibility policy
INACTIVE Indonesia Aru and Arafura demersal fish - longline
Merged with another FIP
INACTIVE Indonesia Indian Ocean and Western Central Pacific Ocean wahoo, cobia, and mahi-mahi - longline
Missed two consecutive reports
Failed to meet social responsibility policy
INACTIVE Indonesia Indian Ocean tuna - longline
Merged with another FIP
INACTIVE Indonesia Jepara blue swimming crab - bottom gillnet
Lack of stakeholder support
INACTIVE Indonesia Makassar Strait snapper and grouper - longline and dropline
Merged with another FIP
INACTIVE Indonesia Maros blue swimming crab - trap
Lack of stakeholder support
INACTIVE Indonesia North Java Sea snapper and grouper - handline and dropline
Merged with another FIP
INACTIVE Indonesia Nusa Tenggara Timur Day octopus - diver-caught, gleaning, hand gathered, handline, jig & spear
At FIP's request
INACTIVE Indonesia Western and Central Pacific Ocean yellowfin tuna - handline (IPNLF)
Missed deadline for three year audit report
Merged with another FIP
INACTIVE Japan albacore tuna - longline
At FIP's request
INACTIVE Japan Hiroshima Pacific oyster - rope grown
FIP withdrew from the MSC certification process and confirmed it did not plan to reactivate.
INACTIVE Japan Tokyo Bay sea perch - purse seine
Missed deadline for three year audit report
Lack of funding
At FIP's request
INACTIVE Japan Tomamae giant Pacific octopus - barrel flowing
Missed deadline for three year audit report
Failed to meet social responsibility policy
INACTIVE Lower Mekong Delta Kien Giang multispecies - trawl
Lack of stakeholder support
INACTIVE Mexico Bahia de Los Angeles octopus - trap/diver-caught/hand gathered
Justification: Lack of appropriate conditions to work on-site. Justificación: falta de condiciones adecuadas en el sitio
INACTIVE Mexico Campeche blue crab - pot/trap & ring nets
Missed two consecutive reports
Failed to meet social responsibility policy
INACTIVE Mexico Gulf of California Cortez geoduck - hookah
At FIP's request
The strategic decision was made to put the FIP on hold to wait for better governance conditions that allow the FIP to solve the fishery's challenges.
INACTIVE Mexico Gulf of California jumbo squid - jig
This FIP has been paused until this fishery resumes and improvements can continue to be implemented. See description for details.
INACTIVE Mexico Gulf of California small scale blue shrimp - drift net/cast net/bottom trawl
At FIP's request
FIP has completed workplan actions but has not achieved overall objectives. FIP is developing a new workplan with plans to reactivate in summer 2022.
INACTIVE Mexico Isla Natividad ocean whitefish - trap/handline
At FIP's request
INACTIVE Mexico La Encrucijada Biosphere Reserve artisanal snook and snapper - handline
At FIP's request
INACTIVE Mexico Magdalena Bay Pacific calico scallops - diver-caught
Missed two consecutive reports
INACTIVE Mexico North Sinaloa artisanal blue and brown shrimp - gillnet and bottom trawl
At FIP's request
INACTIVE Mexico Pacific Ocean shrimp - bottom trawl
FIP fell out of MSC certification process and has not confirmed it plans to reactivate.
INACTIVE Mexico Puerto Libertad clams - hookah
Missed two consecutive reports
INACTIVE Mexico South Sonora artisanal blue shrimp - gillnet
At FIP's request
INACTIVE Mexico Western Baja California Sur swimming crab - pot/trap
Failed to meet social responsibility policy
INACTIVE Morocco sardine - pelagic trawl and seine / Maroc sardine - chalut pélagique et senne
FIP did not enter full assessment process and did not meet reporting requirements to be moved back to Active.
INACTIVE New England ocean perch - hook and line/otter trawl
FisheryProgress could not reach the FIP leads in order to demonstrate they are included in the MSC certificate for this fishery.
INACTIVE New England silver hake - trawl
Missed two consecutive reports
INACTIVE North Pacific blue shark and swordfish - longline
Missed two consecutive reports
INACTIVE Northeast Atlantic Ocean mackerel and herring - hook & line, trawl, and purse seine
Reporting elsewhere
INACTIVE Northwestern Atlantic Ocean Grand Banks yellowtail flounder - trawl
FIP was comprised of a single vessel that sank in fall 2022.
INACTIVE Pacific Ocean tropical tuna - purse seine (US Pacific Tuna Group)
At FIP's request
INACTIVE Pacific Ocean tuna - longline (Sky Vision)
Failed to meet social responsibility policy
INACTIVE Panama shrimp - bottom trawl
At FIP's request
INACTIVE Peru anchovy - small scale purse-seine
Failed to meet social responsibility policy
Lack of funding
INACTIVE Peru hake - industrial bottom trawl
Missed two consecutive reports
Missed deadline for three year audit report
INACTIVE Peru mahi-mahi - longline (Confremar)
Missed two consecutive reports
INACTIVE Peru South Pacific Ocean swordfish - longline
Missed two consecutive reports
INACTIVE Philippines blue swimming crab - pot (Saravia Blue Crab)
Failed to meet social responsibility policy
INACTIVE Philippines yellowfin tuna - handline
At FIP's request
INACTIVE Russia Amur River/Sakhalin Gulf salmon - trap net/beach seine/weir/gillnet
Lack of funding
INACTIVE Russia Northern Sakhalin salmon- trap/net
At FIP's request
FIP has been closed due to business reasons, including financial difficulties.
INACTIVE Shantou-Taiwan Chinese common squid and short arm octopus - jig/trawl
Three years without environmental progress
INACTIVE Shantou-Taiwan shortarm octopus - jig
Merged with another FIP
INACTIVE Southern Brazil monkfish - gillnet
Lack of (adequate) customers to sell the product.
INACTIVE Thailand longtail tuna - purse seine
Missed deadline for three year audit report
INACTIVE UK brown crab and European lobster - pot/trap
Timeline of FIP concluded. See 'Description' below for more details.
INACTIVE UK English Channel king scallop - dredge
Failed to meet social responsibility policy
INACTIVE UK European plaice & lemon sole - seine/trawl
Timeline of FIP concluded. See 'Description' below for more details.
INACTIVE UK Irish Sea, West of Scotland, and North Sea great Atlantic scallop - dredge
Failed to meet social responsibility policy
INACTIVE UK monkfish - gillnet/trawl
Failed to meet social responsibility policy
INACTIVE UK North Sea cod and whiting - seine & trawl
Missed deadline for three year audit report
Failed to meet social responsibility policy
INACTIVE UK Norway lobster - bottom trawl and creel
Failed to meet social responsibility policy
INACTIVE US Jonah crab- pot/trap
Lack of funding
INACTIVE US North Carolina blue crab - pot/trap
Failed to meet social responsibility policy
INACTIVE Venezuela Caribbean spiny lobster - free dive with hook
At FIP's request
INACTIVE Western and Central Pacific Ocean tuna - longline (Hangton)
At FIP's request
Many vessels within the FIP are now inactive or part of another FIP. Additionally, FIP has experienced its worst fishing season in two decades.
INACTIVE Western and Central Pacific Ocean tuna - purse seine (Kiribati Fish Limited)
Failed to meet social responsibility policy
INACTIVE Western and Central Pacific Ocean tuna - purse seine (Thai Union)
At FIP's request
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